EANS-News: CompuGroup Medical starts international expansion of online-services
Geschrieben am 26-03-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Subtitle: CGM LIFE eSERVICES soon also in France, Italy, Belgium,
Czech Republic and the USA More and more German practices use online
services for patient communication
Koblenz (euro adhoc) - March 26, 2012: The Internet has developed
into an indispensable medium in recent years und gains more and more
importance in healthcare. Almost 70 percent of physicians consider
online channels as the most important marketing instrument. To make
sure the advantages of technological progress also ease daily
practice life, CompuGroup Medical (CGM) has developed online services
for physician-patient communication. After a successful piloting
phase in Germany and Austria, the CGM LIFE eSERVICES are now rolled
out internationally.
Whether prescription, consultation, finding or appointment: More and
more physicians and patients communicate conveniently via the
practice website. Already since the beginning of the year patient
registrations with systems of CompuGroup Medical have increased by 66
percent. The number of registered practices also shows a steep growth
curve. One reason is the seamless integration of the CGM LIFE
eSERVICES into existing ambulatory information systems (AIS). The
data get into the corresponding patient index in real time or rather
they are synchronized with the calendar in the AIS. This way all
procedures are processed in the accustomed user interface.
"Our modern online-services find their way to the front because they
satisfy the needs of both physicians and patients in the same way.
They make communication paths more convenient and cheaper" confirms
Frank Gotthardt, CEO of CompuGroup Medical AG. One in two Europeans
uses the Internet daily or almost daily. A reason why patients
increasingly welcome and use the modern online services.
After the good feedback in Germany and Austria CompuGroup Medical now
also starts internationally with its online services. "Our good
position regarding ambulatory information systems in Europe offers
optimum preconditions for introducing our online-services in further
countries", says Gotthardt. The CGM LIFE eSERVICES are currently
being tailored to the needs of the several individual markets and the
legal framework in regional piloting phases. From mid of this year
they will be introduced in France, Italy, Belgium, the Czech Republic
and the USA.
A current survey shows: Internationally as well, more and more
physicians are looking for ambulatory information systems. 31 percent
of French physicians would use online services from now on. In Italy
a quarter of the physicians questioned already every fourth physician
is interested in the new ways of communication. They save time for
the practice team and provide a convenient way of communication
between patient and physician. The administration effort is
considerably reduced. With the same number of personnel for example
20 percent more patients can be serviced.
The seamless AIS integration provides for a customary working process
without loss of information and having to get familiar with new user
interfaces. The practice team has full control of all services at all
times. "I can fully recommend CGM LIFE eSERVICES", resumes Dr Udo von
den Hoff, dentist his experiences. "If you want to offer an
innovative and a progressive practice you can't get around online
services on the long term. And on the long term the advantages for
the patient are also the practice's advantages."
About CompuGroup Medical AG CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading
eHealth companies in the world. Its software products are designed to
support all medical and organizational activities in doctors'
offices, pharmacies and hospitals. Its information services for all
parties involved in the healthcare system and its web-based personal
health records contribute towards safer and more efficient
healthcare. CompuGroup Medical's services are based on a unique
customer base of over 385,000 doctors, dentists, hospitals,
pharmacies and networks as well as other service providers. With
locations in 19 countries and customers in 34 countries worldwide,
CompuGroup Medical is the eHealth company with one of the highest
coverage among eHealth service providers. Approximately 3,600 highly
qualified employees support customers with innovative solutions for
the steadily growing demands of the healthcare system.
Further inquiry note:
CompuGroup Medical AG
Barbara Müller
Consultant Press & Media
P +49 (0) 261 8000-6100
F +49 (0) 261 8000-3100
e-mail: press@cgm.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: CompuGroup Medical AG
Maria Trost 21
D-56070 Koblenz
phone: +49 (0) 261 8000-0
FAX: +49 (0) 261 8000-1166
mail: investor@cgm.com
WWW: www.cgm.com
sector: Software
ISIN: DE0005437305
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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