Wirecard convinces Bechtle / - Payment processing for Bechtle's B2B online shops / - Fraud Prevention Suite ensures sustained fraud recognition
Geschrieben am 29-03-2012 |
Aschheim (Munich) (ots) - Starting immediately, Munich- based
Wirecard AG will take over credit card acceptance and end-to- end
fraud prevention for Neckarsulm-based Bechtle AG's IT eCommerce
division. When making payments by credit card, customers of the
subsidiaries Bechtle direct, Comsoft direct and ARP will thus
benefit from processing that is both secure and simple using
Wirecard's payment platform.
Bechtle AG operates in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with
around 60 IT system houses. The Group is one of the leading
providers for IT eCommerce with retail companies in 13
European countries. Corporate customers can order around 44,000
products via channels including the Internet, catalogs or by
"Our IT eCommerce is characterized by maximum transparency and
lean processes. To ensure that we also have an optimum position
for electronic payment processing, we have decided to enter
into a strategic alliance with Wirecard," commented Martin Meyer,
Head of E- Business Strategy, Bechtle E-Commerce Holding AG.
Wirecard AG's PCI-compliant payment platform provides
secure, flexible, simple and transparent payment processing. All
of the transaction data and processes can be viewed 24/7 using an
online portal.
Dunja Springer, Head of Sales Consumer Goods at Wirecard AG:
"The trust that Bechtle AG has placed in us in expanding its many
B2B online shops confirms the added value that our solutions
offer. Bechtle is an international company, and in addition to
credit card acceptance it needs, in particular, flexible and
transparent risk management to avoid fraud. Our Fraud Prevention
Suite provides the company with risk methods that have been
tailored to its exact requirements."
A key factor, in particular in processing credit card payments at
a global level, is to recognize fraud better and faster, and to
put preventative countermeasures in place. The Fraud Prevention
Suite provides retailers with the best possible recognition of
fraud, while simultaneously minimizing the number of transactions
which are incorrectly identified as being possible frauds.
Wirecard AG has customized its Fraud Prevention Suite to the
respective requirements in the consumer goods, airline/tourism and
digital goods sectors.
About Bechtle:
Bechtle AG operates in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with
around 60 IT system houses, and is one of the leading IT
eCommerce providers with retail companies in 13 countries
throughout Europe. The company was formed in 1983 and is
headquartered in Neckarsulm. It currently has more than 5,600
employees. It has more than 75,000 customers from industry and
commerce, the public sector and the financial market, and
Bechtle offers an end-to-end offering for everything to do with
IT infrastructure and IT operations from a single source,
independent of a specific manufacturer. Bechtle has been listed on
the stock exchange since 2000 and has been included in the
technology index TecDAX since 2004. Revenues in 2011 totaled around
EUR 2 billion.
www.bechtle.com/home-en | www.bechtle-direct.ch | www.arp.com |
About Wirecard:
Wirecard AG is one of the leading international providers
of electronic payment and risk management solutions. Worldwide,
the Wirecard Group supports over 12,000 companies from a wide range
of industry segments in automating their payment processes
and minimizing cases of default. Wirecard Bank AG is a Principal
Member of Visa, MasterCard and JCB and operates as a credit card
acquirer in 69 countries around the world, involving over 100
transaction currencies and 18 payout currencies. Part of the
Wirecard Group, Wirecard Bank provides innovative solutions in
the fields of corporate banking, prepaid and co-branded cards,
along with account products for both business and private
customers. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Securities
Exchange (TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060, WDI).
www.wirecard.com | www.wirecardbank.com | www.mywirecard.com
Wirecard media contact:
Wirecard AG
Maren Brand
Einsteinring 35
D-85609 Aschheim
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 4424-1425
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 4424-2425
E-mail: maren.brandt@wirecard.com
Internet: www.wirecard.com
Bechtle media contact:
Bechtle AG
Sabine Brand
Bechtle Platz 1
D-74172 Neckarsulm
Tel.: +49 (0) 7132 981-4115
Fax: +49 (0) 7132 981-4116
E-mail: sabine.brand@bechtle.com
Internet: www.bechtle.com
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