Geschrieben am 10-04-2012 |
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Subtitle: New design options for engaging consumer experiences
SANTA ANA, Calif. and ISMANING, Germany, April 10, 2012 (euro adhoc)
- Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV), a provider of
products and services for the identification, security and RFID
industries, today announced the newest additions to its NFC tag
product line - NFC window stickers and magnets for high-impact, fun
consumer experiences.
The new NFC window stickers are ideally suited for information
pick-up, social media check-in and coupon applications. A unique
process creates double-sided, high-resolution color tags that display
the same high-quality visual image when entering or exiting a place
of business. By concealing the smart NFC inlays, Identive´s NFC
window tags and stickers offer aesthetically pleasing design options
to attract users´ attention from both sides of the window.
Identive´s NFC window stickers are backed by a powerful
personalization capability with the option of incorporating
sequential colored QR Codes to both sides of the sticker. By adding
color to QR Codes, customers can now design artwork to match their
brands, while keeping the highest scan accuracy and allowing users
without NFC-enabled phones to engage with the stickers through the QR
code. The data on the sticker is stored both in the QR Code and with
the appropriate NFC Data Exchange Format message in the selected NFC
chip, providing consumers with NFC mobile phones the fuller, richer
NFC experience.
"By combining the power of NFC technology with our attractive
stickers and magnetized NFC tags, Identive is offering a whole new
way for future-minded retailers and business-savvy companies to
communicate with their customers," said David Holmes vice president
of Mobility & NFC Solutions for Identive. "With enhanced NFC tag
application possibilities in the real world, Identive is taking the
lead to build out the NFC infrastructure."
Identive´s NFC magnets offer high-impact branding opportunities for
retailers, providing an attractive and distinctive take-home ad that
allows consumers to order food, redeem coupons, watch videos, check
in and much more, with a simple tap.
Scott Austin, Identive´s vice president International sales for
Transponders noted, "The new NFC magnets are based on Identive´s
patented TOM® (Tag On Metal) technology which enables NFC tags to be
read by any handset, on any surface. The NFC magnets are less than 1
mm thick and come with high definition, full color printing, QR Codes
and QR+."
Identive´s NFC window stickers and magnets will be on display in
several upcoming industry tradeshows and conferences, including WIMA
NFC in Monaco April 11-13, EuroID in Berlin April 24-26 and Cards &
Payments in Asia, taking place in Singapore April 25-27. For more
information about the new products, please contact Identive
Transponder sales at sales-apac@identive-transponders.com.
About Identive Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV) is
focused on building the world´s signature company in Secure ID. The
company´s products, software, systems and services address the
markets for identity management, physical and logical access control,
NFC and a host of RFID-enabled applications for customers in the
government, enterprise, consumer, education, healthcare and
transportation sectors. Identive´s mission is to build a lasting
business of scale and technology based on a combination of strong
technology-driven organic growth and disciplined acquisitive
expansion. For additional info visit: www.identive-group.com.
Further inquiry note:
Mr. Lennart Streibel
Tel.: +49 89 9595-5195
E-Mail: lstreibel@identive-group.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Identive Group Inc.
Carnegie Ave., Bldg. B 1900
US-CA 92705 Santa Ana
phone: +1 949 553 4280
FAX: +49 89 9595-5555
mail: investorrelations@identive-group.com
WWW: http://www.identive-group.com
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: US45170X1063
indexes: NASDAQ
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
Nasdaq: New York, Open Market / Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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