EANS-Voting Rights: Sunways AG / Release according to article 26, section 1 WpHG
(Securities Trading Act) with the aim of Europe-wide distribution
Geschrieben am 11-04-2012 |
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG (share)
1. On April 06, 2012, Mr. Xiaofeng Peng, People's Republic of China,
notified us pursuant to section 21 (1) WpHG that his holding of voting
rights in sunways AG, Konstanz, Germany (ISIN DE0007332207) exceeded
the threshold of 50 % of the voting rights on April 03, 2012 and amounted
to 63.54 % (11,042,921 voting rights) on that day. All of these voting
rights are attributable to Mr.Peng pursuant to section 22 (1) sentence 1
no. 1 WpHG.
The attributed voting rights are held via the following companies that are
controlled by him and whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3 % each or
more in sunways AG:
- LDK New Energy Holding Limited, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin
- LDK Solar Co., Limited, Xinju City, People's Republic of China
- LDK Solar International Company Limited, Hongkong, People's Republic of
- LDK Solar Germany Holding GmbH, Munich, Germany
2. On April 06, 2012, LDK New Energy Holding Limited, Road Town, Tortola,
British Virgin Islands, notified us pursuant to section 21 (1) WpHG that its
holding of voting rights in sunways AG, Konstanz, Germany
(ISIN DE0007332207)exceeded the threshold of 50 % of the voting rights on
April 03, 2012 and amounted to 63.54 % (11,042,921 voting rights) on that
day. All of these voting rights are attributable to LDK New Energy Holding
Limited pursuant to section 22 (1) sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
The attributed voting rights are held via the following companies that are
controlled by it and whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3 % each or
more in sunways AG:
- LDK Solar Co., Limited, Xinju City, People's Republic of China
- LDK Solar International Company Limited, Hongkong, People's Republic of
- LDK Solar Germany Holding GmbH, Munich, Germany
3. On April 06, 2012, LDK Solar Co., Limited, Xinju City, People's Republic
of China, notified us pursuant to section 21 (1) WpHG that its holding of
voting rights in sunways AG, Konstanz, Germany (ISIN DE0007332207) exceeded
the threshold of 50 % of the voting rights on April 03, 2012 and amounted to
63.54 % (11,042,921 voting rights) on that day. All of these voting rights
are attributable to LDK Solar Co., Limited pursuant to section 22 (1)
sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
The attributed voting rights are held via the following companies that are
controlled by it and whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3 % each or
more in sunways AG:
- LDK Solar International Company Limited, Hongkong, People's Republic of
- LDK Solar Germany Holding GmbH, Munich, Germany
4. On April 06, 2012, LDK Solar International Company Limited, Hongkong,
People's Republic of China, notified us pursuant to section 21 (1) WpHG that
its holding of voting rights in sunways AG, Konstanz, Germany (ISIN
DE0007332207) exceeded the threshold of 50 % of the voting rights on April
03, 2012 and amounted to 63.54 % (11,042,921 voting rights) on that day. All
of these voting rights are attributable to LDK Solar International Company
Limited pursuant to section 22 (1) sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
The attributed voting rights are held via the following company that is
controlled by it and whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3 % each or
more in sunways AG:
- LDK Solar Germany Holding GmbH, Munich, Germany
5. On April, 06, 2012, LDK Solar Germany Holding GmbH, Munich, Germany,
notified us pursuant to section 21 (1) WpHG that its holding of voting
rights in sunways AG, Konstanz, Germany (ISIN DE0007332207) exceeded the
threshold of 50 % of the voting rights on April 03, 2012 and amounted to
63.54 %(11,042,921 voting rights) on that day.
Further inquiry note:
Dirk Recktenwald
Corporate Legal
Tel.: +49 (0)7531 996 77-402
E-Mail: dirk.recktenwald@sunways.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Sunways AG
Macairestr. 3 - 5
D-78467 Konstanz
phone: +49 (0)7531 99677 0
FAX: +49 (0)7531 99677 10
mail: info@sunways.de
WWW: http://www.sunways.eu/de
sector: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE0007332207
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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