EANS-General Meeting: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft / Resolutions of the General
Geschrieben am 12-04-2012 |
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
13th Annual General Meeting agrees a dividend of EUR 1.10 per share
Sales revenues and EBIT well up in 2011
Gleisdorf/Vienna, April 12, 2012
As anticipated, Binder+Co AG shareholders took positive note of the
2011 financial statements presented at yesterday´s Annual General
Meeting. In an uneven but generally favourable economic climate, the
Gleisdorf-based processing, environmental and packaging technology
specialist demonstrated marked growth in 2011. At EUR 81.71 million,
sales revenues in 2011 were 29% higher and EBIT rose 18% to EUR 8.54
million. Moreover, order intake was up by 25% to EUR 86.58 million.
On the basis of solid order backlog of EUR 28.83 million at the
beginning of the year, the considerably enlarged product range with
new BUBLON technology and the products of Comec-Binder S.r.l., which
was consolidated in 2011, as well as the planned strengthening of
direct sales in overseas markets, it remains the declared aim of the
Binder+Co management that both growth and result quality in 2012 will
be well above the branch average.
Following the approval granted by yesterday´s Annual General Meeting,
Binder+Co will pay its shareholders a dividend of EUR 1.10 per share
for 2011 (2010: EUR 1.00).
The Annual General Meeting appointed the Vienna-based Grant Thornton
Unitreu Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungs GmbH as the auditors
for the 2012 financial year.
In principle, the Amendment to the Austrian Companies Act 2011
requires that unlisted corporations alter their stocks from bearer to
registered shares. Excluded from this requirement are those companies
whose stocks were traded on the Third Market of the Vienna Stock
Exchange on August 1, 2011. In order to continue to facilitate the
tradability of its shares, Binder+Co AG has claimed this right and
will not change its stocks from bearer to registered shares. The
corresponding adjustment of the current company articles to the
Amendment to the Austrian Companies Act 2011 took place through the
approval of the Annual General Meeting to alterations to §§4 and 21.
The Management Board also reported on the buy-back of own shares,
which within the scope of a stock option programme, are on offer to
all company employees and members of the Management Board. To date
129,914 shares, which constitute 3.46% of share capital, have been
repurchased. Following the exercise of the stock option programme
with 32,111 shares, as at April 11, 2012, Binder+Co held 97,803 own
Management Board member, Karl Grabner: "With the agreed dividend and
our stock option programme we have underlined our commitment to offer
our shareholders and employees reasonable participation in company
The Binder+Co Group Binder+Co is a specialist in the field of
processing, environmental and packaging technology and the world
market leader in the screening and glass recycling segments. The
company was listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange at the end of 2006
and is now part of the Third Market in the mid market segment. The
Binder+Co Group consists of Binder+Co AG, the two fully owned
subsidiaries Comec-Binder S.r.l. and Bublon GmbH, and the Statec
Binder GmbH joint venture. In 2010, Binder+Co was awarded the
Austrian National Innovation Prize for its successful implementation
of inventive capacity and in 2011 received the Best Open Innovator
Award of the Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen as the top SME in
the D-A-CH region.
Further inquiry note:
Karl Grabner, Member of the Management Board
Tel.: +43/3112/800-363
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft
Grazerstraße 19-25
A-8200 Gleisdorf
phone: +43 3112 800-363
FAX: +43 3112 800-320
mail: karl.grabner@binder-co.at
WWW: www.binder-co.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
indexes: mid market
stockmarkets: Third Market: Wien
language: English
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