KfW and Britain's Green Investment Bank to cooperate
Geschrieben am 12-04-2012 |
Frankfurt (ots) -
- Continuous exchange on environment and climate finance agreed
Dr Ulrich Schröder, Chief Executive Officer of KfW Bankengruppe,
and Sir Adrian Montague, Chairman of the Advisory Group of the UK
Green Investment Bank, signed a memorandum of understanding in
Frankfurt. It formalises a close and continuous exchange of
experience and expertise in environmental protection and climate
finance between both institutions.
The UK Government is committed to setting Britain firmlys on
course towards a green and growing economy. In October 2010 it
announced plans to establish a Green Investment Bank as a key
component of this transition. The bank, which is being established
under the leadership of the Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills, is to be initially capitalised by the Government with GBP 3
billion in equity.
"As a promotional bank with many years of experience in the area
of climate and environmental protection, we are more than happy to
advise and support the Green Investment Bank with our expertise in
these promising fields of business. In order for activities in
environmental protection and climate finance to be successful, close
bilateral links between the national European promotional banks are
indispensable. We therefore look forward to our cooperation and to an
even more intensive exchange with our British partners", said Dr
Schröder on the occasion of the meeting with Sir Adrian at KfW's
Sir Adrian commented, "I very much welcome KfW's interest in the
Green Investment Bank. KfW has many years of successful operation as
a development bank and is being very generous in the support it is
offering. We look forward to building a strong relationship with KfW
and other development banks in years to come."
KfW's experts have been in close dialogue with the Advisory Group
since the start of the foundation phase of the Green Investment Bank.
The memorandum signed today will intensify the existing exchange at
various levels in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable
energies, but also on the business model of a promotional bank.
KfW, Palmengartenstraße 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt
Kommunikation (KOM), Nathalie Drücke,
Tel. 069 7431-2098, Fax: 069 7431-3266,
E-Mail: nathalie.druecke@kfw.de, Internet: www.kfw.de/newsroom
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