EANS-Capital Market Information: RZB Finance Jersey III Limited / Other capital
market information
Geschrieben am 30-04-2012 |
Other capital market information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
(the "Company")
This annual information update ("AIU") is required by and is
being made pursuant to Article 10 of Directive 2003/71/EC (the
"Prospectus Directive") as implemented in the Netherlands in
Article 5:25f of the Financial Markets Supervision Act (Wet op
het financieel toezicht) ("FMSA") and not for any other purpose.
The Company, nor any other person, takes any responsibility for, or
makes any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or
completeness of, the information contained in this AIU. The
information contained in this document is not necessarily up to
date as at the date of this AIU and the Company does not undertake
any obligation to update any such information in the future.
Neither this AIU nor the information referred to herein constitutes,
by virtue of this communication, an offer of any securities
addressed to any person and should not be relied upon by any
This AIU refers to the information that has already been
published by the Company or made available to the public since 1
January 2011 and up to and including xx February 2012 under
applicable laws and regulations relating to
securities, issuers and securities markets. Pursuant to Section 5:25f and 5:25m
FMSA, this AIU is made public by means of a press release and filed with the
Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële
Press Releases
On the basis of Article 5:25(i)(1) of the FMSA, public companies listed on
Euronext Amsterdam are required to publish price-sensitive
information through the use of, among others, a press release. On
the basis of the FMSA, the AFM is required to maintain a
public register of these press releases
No press releases containing price sensitive information have
been issued during the period of this AIU.
Other Documents and Information Publicly Made Available
The following overview consists of documents available for download
from the Companies Registry website at www.jerseyfsc.org/registry
or can be obtained from the Companies Registry at 14-18 Castle
Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9QD, Channel Islands:
09 Feb 2012 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011
24 Jan 2012 Annual Return 2012
04 Mar 2011 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010
28 Feb 2011 Annual Return 2011
The following documents were published via the Euro Adhoc-service
of APA-OTS Originaltext-Service GmbH and can be found on the
website of Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich AG:
30 Apr 2012 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 Dec 2011
31 Aug 2011 Interim Report for the half-year period ended 30 June
2011 www.rzb.at/rzbfinancethreesafr2011
5 May 2011 Annual Document for the period from 1 January 2010 to 21
April 2011 www.rzb.at/rzbfinancethreead2010
21 Apr 2011 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 Dec 2010
22 Grenville Street
St. Helier
Channel Islands
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company
30 April 2012
Further inquiry note:
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG
Prokurist Andreas Ecker
Phone: +43 1 71707-1753
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: RZB Finance Jersey III Limited
Grenville Street 22
JE- St. Helier Jersey / Channel Islands
mail: annette.cunningham@mourant.com
sector: Banking
ISIN: XS0193631040
stockmarkets: stock market: Euronext Amsterdam
language: English
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dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
RZB Finance (Jersey) IV Finanzbericht 2011 (only available in English)
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Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The
issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
RZB Finance (Jersey) IV Annual Report 2011
The company RZB Finance Jersey IV Limited is declaring the following financial
reports below:
Report Type: Yearly Report
Publication Date : 30.04.2012
Publication Location: http://www.rzb.at/rzbfinancefourar2011 mehr...
- EANS-Tip Announcement: RZB Finance Jersey III Limited / Indication Notice For
Financial Reports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The
issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
RZB Finance (Jersey) III Annual Report 2011
The company RZB Finance Jersey III Limited is declaring its financial reporting
publication plan below:
Report Type: Yearly Report
Publication Date : 30.04.2012
Publication Location: mehr...
- EANS-Hinweisbekanntmachung: RZB Finance Jersey III Limited /
Hinweisbekanntmachung für Finanzberichte --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hinweisbekanntmachung für Finanzberichte übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit
dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
RZB Finance (Jersey) III Finanzbericht 2011 (only available in English)
Hiermit gibt die RZB Finance Jersey III Limited bekannt, dass folgende
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Bericht: Jahresfinanzbericht mehr...
- EANS-Tip Announcement: RZB Finance Jersey II Limited / Indication Notice For
Financial Reports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The
issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
RZB Finance (Jersey) II Limited Annual Report 2011
The company RZB Finance Jersey II Limited is declaring its financial reporting
publication plan below:
Report Type: Yearly Report
Publication Date : 30.04.2012
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