The Academic World Supports Cooperatives Worldwide
Geschrieben am 02-05-2012 |
Quebec City, Quebec (ots/PRNewswire) -
University researchers, thinkers and opinion leaders from around
the globe will come to the 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives
to show their support for cooperative businesses.
Numerous researchers interested in cooperative issues submitted
proposals for papers. The organizers received 95 submissions, which
shows the intellectual scope of the proposed event.
Selected papers will be compiled in a volume to be published in
advance and made available to heads of cooperatives and mutuals and
to invited international leaders.
The following speakers have been confirmed for the Summit:
Jacques Attali (France)
Carlo Borzaga, Euricse (Italy)
Omer Chouinard, Université de Moncton (Canada)
André Coupet, Groupe Secor (France)
Dr. J. Colin Dodds, Saint Mary's University (Canada)
Lou Hammond Ketilson, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives (Canada)
Éric Lamarque, Université de Montesquieu (France)
Riccardo Petrella (Italy)
Nouriel Roubini, Stern School of Business (United States)
A.Michael Spence, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University (United States)
David Wheeler, University of Plymouth (United Kingdom)
Imagine 2012, the official pre-Summit event presented by Saint
Mary's University, will bring together leaders from the largest
cooperatives and leading economic thinkers from around the world and
provide a forum in which they can explore a new approach to economic
analysis and thought.
IMAGINE 2012 will feature a number of prominent speakers:
Avner Ben-Ner, Minnesota University (United States)
Ronald Colman, GPI Atlantic (Canada)
David Erdal, (United Kingdom)
John Fullerton, Capital Institute (United States)
Neva Goodwin, Tufts University (United States)
Thomas Homer-Dixon, Balsillie School of International Affairs at the University of
Waterloo (Canada)
Manfred Max-Neef, (United States)
Vera Negri Zamagni, University of Bologna (Italy)
Elinor Ostrom, Indiana University (United States)
William Rees, SCARP - University of British Columbia (Canada)
Claudia Sanchez Bajo (Belgium)
Stephen C. Smith, George Washington University (United States)
Peter A. Victor, Birmingham University and University of British Columbia (Canada)
Richard G. Wilkinson, Nottingham University (United Kingdom)
Stefano Zamagni, University of Bologna (Italy)
Twitter: Summitcoop2012 [!/SummitCoop2012 ]
UN's IYC site: 2012 International Year of Cooperatives
[ ]
Pre-Summit Event site: Imagine 2012 [ ]
For further information:
Media information
Nathalie Genest
+1-514-281-7275 / +1-866-866-7000, ext. 7275 (Canada only)
ots Originaltext: 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives
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