
KOSTAL Industrie Elektrik and KOSTAL Solar Electric at Intersolar in Munich / Curious about future? Discover the PV trends of tomorrow.

Geschrieben am 03-05-2012

Hagen (ots) - At this year's Intersolar from 13th to 15th July
2012 in Munich you can discover the PV trends of tomorrow at first
hand at the exhibition stand of KOSTAL Industrie Elektrik and KOSTAL
Solar Electric (stand 310, hall C4).

With their innovative products KOSTAL Solar Electric already sets
news standards for the future. One standard is the PIKO Accu Inverter
with an integrated energy management system. In consideration of
economical and technical aspects the system regulates whether the
energy produced by the PV system will be fed into the public grid,
stored temporarily in the battery or is used for energy consumption.

Furthermore, the new design of the PIKO multi-string inverters
represents another standard for the future. The company's brand claim
"Smart connections." is mirrored in this new design not only by the
new appearance but also by technical innovations such as recessed
grips, an easy handling and the new designed DC switch. Firstly, the
new PIKO in the power category >10 kW and the PIKO 3.0 feature the
new look.

The new PIKO generation will naturally be equipped with the proven
integrated communication and monitoring package. Amongst other things
it includes the active power control, data logger and all necessary
interfaces. This comprehensive offer is complemented by further
comfortable accessories such as the PIKO data communicator.

The PIKO inverter with arc detection is another future-oriented
product of KOSTAL Solar Electric.

Also the new central inverters from KOSTAL set standards with
regard to communication, flexibility and future network services.

The KOSTAL Industrie Elektrik's PV module connection technology
can also be described as future-oriented. Here a new feature of its
fully automatable PV junction box SAMKO 100 04 will be introduced.
With the help of a cable holder at the junction box a full automation
from the fitting up to the module exam is possible. Hereby diverse
manual processes are omitted which ensures a high process reliability
and thus improved quality. Rounding off the product portfolio the PV
module junction boxes can be equipped with the PV plug connector KSK

Besides future-oriented product innovations the professional
dialogue and personal contact are in the focus of KOSTAL's exposition
activities according to its corporate philosophy "Smart
connections.". A further fair highlight represents the already
traditional stand party which also picks up the motto 'future' in
this year.

As part of the KOSTAL Group - a family owned company with 100
years of tradition - both companies are characterised by the idea of
future thinking from the beginning and are not simply satisfied with
what they have achieved in the past; they are already actively
working on the PV trends of tomorrow.

Get to know these and many more future-oriented forms of "Smart
connections." and visit us at our fair stand, hall C4, stand 310.

Dipl.-Oec. Markus Vetter
Lange Eck 11
D-58099 Hagen
E-Mail: m.vetter@kostal.com


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