Geschrieben am 07-05-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
quarterly report
SANTA ANA, Calif. and ISMANING, Germany, May 7, 2012 (euro adhoc) -
Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV), a provider of
products, services and solutions for the identification, security and
RFID industries, will hold a webcast and conference call to discuss
the results of its 2012 first quarter on Thursday, May 10, 2012, at
9:00 AM eastern time / 3:00 PM central European time.
Ayman S. Ashour, CEO and Chairman, and Melvin Denton-Thompson, CFO,
will host the webcast and conference call for financial analysts and
investors, which will be followed by a Q&A.
The webcast and conference call will be open to all interested
investors. The webcast will include a slide presentation and can be
accessed by visiting the Investor Relations section of the Company's
website at www.identive-group.com, and clicking on "Presentations,
Reports & Webcasts." The conference call can be accessed by dialing
866.271.0675 (toll free within the U.S.) or +1 617.213.8892 (for
international callers) and using pass code 92881906.
For those unable to attend to the live webcast, it will be archived
following the event for 30 days in the Investor Relations section of
the Company's website. An audio replay of the call will be available
for one week and can be accessed by dialing 888.286.8010 (toll free
within the U.S.) or +1 617.801.6888 (for international callers) and
using pass code 96548996.
About Identive Group Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt:
INV) is focused on building the world's signature company in Secure
ID. The company's products, software, systems and services address
the markets for identity management, physical and logical access
control, cashless payment, NFC solutions and a host of RFID-enabled
applications for customers in the government, enterprise, consumer,
education and healthcare sectors. Identive's mission is to build a
lasting business of scale and technology based on a combination of
strong technology-driven organic growth and disciplined acquisitive
expansion. The company delivers up-to-date information on its
activity as well as industry trends through its industry-leading
social media initiatives and educational resource, AskIdentive.com.
For additional information, please visit www.identive-group.com or
follow on Twitter at @IdentiveGroup.
Further inquiry note:
Mr. Lennart Streibel
Tel.: +49 89 9595-5195
E-Mail: lstreibel@identive-group.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Identive Group Inc.
Carnegie Ave., Bldg. B 1900
US-CA 92705 Santa Ana
phone: +1 949 553 4280
FAX: +49 89 9595-5555
mail: investorrelations@identive-group.com
WWW: http://www.identive-group.com
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: US45170X1063
indexes: NASDAQ
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
Nasdaq: New York, Open Market / Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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