EANS-News: Marseille-Kliniken AG again reports increased earnings
Geschrieben am 09-05-2012 |
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9-month report
Subtitle: - EBIT expanded by more than 75 percent to EUR 7.2 million
against previous year - Revenue increased to EUR 145.5 million -
Occupancy rate once again strengthened to 88.7 percent - Redemption
of notes realized with a volume of EUR 3.0 million
Hamburg, Germany (euro adhoc) - 9 May 2012 - Marseille-Kliniken AG
could substantially increase its profitability during the first nine
months of fiscal year 2011/2012 (1 July 2011 to 31 March 2012). The
repeated gain of the occupancy rate to 88.7 percent (Q3 2010/2011:
86.8 percent) was a main driver for the consistent expansion of
revenues to EUR 145.5 million (previous year: EUR 141.6 million).
Backed by further savings in administration, EBIT amounted to EUR 7.2
million, marking a significant increase in earnings against EUR 4.1
million in the previous year. "With this continuing development we
are progressing on profitability improvements according to plan.
Additionally it allowed us to partly finance an early redemption of
our notes amounting to EUR 3.0 million.", comments Michael
Thanheiser, chairman of Marseille-Kliniken AG.
The company's upward trend, which is visible already since fiscal
year 2010/2011, has been made possible by Marseille-Kliniken AG's
previously initiated strategy mix. This includes a focus on care of
the elderly, quality leadership and a decentralised management
structure. Moreover a program carried out to optimise costs also
played a role in supporting the company's economic recovery.
This progress now continued on all earnings figures with the current
quarterly financial results. Based on an expansion of occupancy rate
of 1.9 percentage points at a sales capacity of 7,949 beds, revenues
could again be fostered against previous year. Nevertheless total
costs remained stable with EUR 145.0 million. Therefore despite EBIT
also EBITDAR increased by 3.1 percent to EUR 39.8 million (previous
year: EUR 38.6 million) and EBITDA by 21.2 percent to EUR 12.0
million (previous year: EUR 9.9 million). Group earnings improved to
EUR 4.7 million (previous year EUR 0.0 million). Simultaneously to
higher earnings, also a redemption of own notes with a value of EUR
3.0 million in April 2012 strengthened the company's financial power,
as the financing of this measure was carried out by the successfully
generated cash flow as well as by a long term loan with significant
lesser interest payment. Against the backdrop of these results,
Marseille-Kliniken AG is on good track for achieving its future
objectives in both operational excellence and financing.
The complete nine months 2012 financial report such as additional
shareholders' information are available for the public in the
investor relations section of the company's website at
---- End of press release ----
About Marseille-Kliniken AG:
Marseille-Kliniken AG (ISIN DE0007783003, WKN 778300, MKA) with its
57 residential care facilities, three residential units for assisted
living and about 4,700 employees is a market leading listed company
on health care in Germany. The business model is significantly
influenced by the demographic development. Therefore
Marseille-Kliniken AG has a secured future. Short-term economic
fluctuations on the other hand exert only a minor influence. As a
consistently modern company with strong focus on quality, the private
enterprise is in a good position within a competitive environment
primarily characterized by regionally active charities.
Further inquiry note:
Hillermann Consulting
Investor Relations for Marseille-Kliniken AG
Poststraße 14/16
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-(0)40 / 320 279-10
Fax: +49-(0)40 / 320 279-114
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Marseille-Kliniken AG
Alte Jakobstraße 79/80
D-10179 Berlin
phone: +49 (0)30 246 32-400
FAX: +49 (0)30 246 32-401
mail: info@marseille-kliniken.de
WWW: http://www.marseille-kliniken.de
sector: Pharmaceuticals
ISIN: DE0007783003
indexes: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing:
Hamburg, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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