EANS-News: freenet AG / Resolves of the freenet Annual General Meeting 2012
Geschrieben am 10-05-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Annual & Special Corporate Meetings
Büdelsdorf, 10. May 2012 (euro adhoc) - Yesterday's ordinary Annual
General Meeting of freenet AG in Hamburg resolved to pay a dividend
of 1.20 EUR per dividend-entitled share, for a total payout of
153,613,219.20 Euro.
The ordinary Annual General Meeting of freenet AG also appointed six
shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board: Thorsten
Kraemer, Dr. Hartmut Schenk, Prof. Dr. Helmut Thoma, Marc Tüngler,
Robert Weidinger and Achim Weiss. The term of office for these
members ends at the end of Annual General Meeting that passes the
resolution to formally approve their actions for the 2016 financial
year. The term of office of the current shareholder representatives
on the Supervisory Board ended at the end of the regular Annual
General Meeting of freenet AG on 9 May 2012. The Supervisory Board of
freenet AG is now composed as follows:
Thorsten Kraemer, a consultant and telecommunications expert. He has
been associated with the company for around 13 years and sat on the
freenet Supervisory Board from July 2007 until the end of June 2011,
serving as its Chairman from July 2009 to 30 June 2011.
Dr. Hartmut Schenk, Managing Partner of Casaplan Seeliger GmbH in
Saarbrücken. Dr. Schenk also chairs the Supervisory Board of Optima
Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft in Saarbrücken, and has sat on the
Supervisory Board of freenet AG since 30 June 2011.
Prof. Dr. Helmut Thoma, a native of Vienna, self-employed media
consultant and a long-time association of the company: he was a
member of the mobilcom Supervisory Board for many years, and chaired
the Supervisory Board of freenet.de AG and most recently that of the
new freenet AG.
Marc Tüngler, a solicitor and Managing Director of the Deutsche
Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz e.V. (DSW - German Association
of Private Shareholders), Mr Tüngler also sits on the Supervisory
Board of the publicly listed InnoTec TSS AG, Dusseldorf, and is a
member of the Board of the German Supervisory Board Working Group
(AdAR), Cologne.
Robert Weidinger is a freelance auditor, tax adviser and Corporate
Finance consultant in Valley.
Achim Weiss has sat on the Supervisory Board of freenet AG since the
regular Annual General Meeting 2009.
The freenet AG Executive Board also thanks the departing shareholder
representatives Dr. Christof Aha, Dr. Arnold Bahlmann, and Niclas
Rauscher for their work. In particular, the entire Executive Board
would like to expressly thank the departing Supervisory Board
Chairman, Maarten Henderson.
In its session after the Annual General Meeting on 9th May 2012, the
Supervisory Board of freenet AG elected a new chairman.
The results of the voting at yesterday's Annual General Meeting will
be available online shortly at www.freenet-group.de, under Investor
Further inquiry note:
freenet AG
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)40 51306-778
E-Mail: ir@freenet.ag
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: freenet AG
Hollerstraße 126
D-24782 Büdelsdorf
phone: +49 (0)4331 691000
mail: ir@freenet.ag
WWW: http://www.freenet-group.de
sector: Telecommunications
indexes: Midcap Market Index, TecDAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share,
Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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