CIVIS Media Prize 2012: Seven programmes honoured in Brussels
Geschrieben am 10-05-2012 |
Brussels (ots) - On Wednesday evening seven European radio and
television programmes were honoured with the popular CIVIS Media
Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity during an official TV
gala in the European Parliament in Brussels. The prize, endowed with
a total of 40,000 Euros (5,000 Euros per category) were awarded this
year to productions from SRF (Switzerland), VPRO (Netherlands),
Deutschlandradio, WDR, SWR, ZDF as well as the "Nederlandse Film en
Televisie Academie in Amsterdam". They were selected by an
international jury of independent media experts. The web platform of
the multilingual Parisian online magazine >< had
already been presented with the "European CIVIS Online Media Prize"
in April. The ARD/ERSTE will broadcast the prize-giving ceremony on
May 10, 2012 at 0.00 hrs.
CIVIS celebrates an anniversary in 2012: 25 years of the CIVIS
Media Prize!
The CIVIS Media Prize annually honours contributions which promote
the peaceful coexistence of people of the most varied national,
ethnic, religious or cultural origins. 631 programmes from 25 EU
states and Switzerland were entered in the European competition in
2012 - an encouragingly high overall result. In her video message at
the official ceremony, Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel praised "the 25-
year success story of this renowned media prize". Patron of the CIVIS
Media Prize 2012 is the President of the European Parliament, Martin
Schulz. Together with him, numerous other prominent guests took part
in the TV prize-giving ceremony presented by Sandra Maischberger in
the European Parliament. They included the Federal Government's
Commissioner for Integration Minister-of-State Maria Böhmer, the Head
of the Bavarian State Chancellery Minister-of-State Thomas Kreuzer,
the ARD Chairwoman and WDR Director-General Monika Piel, the NDR
Director-General Lutz Marmor, the Director-General of the Deutsche
Welle Erik Bettermann, the Director-General of the Swiss SRG SSR
Mariano Tschuor, the Executive Director of ORF III TV Peter Schöber,
TV presenter Frank Elstner, ARD Tagesthemen presenter Tom Buhrow, ARD
Tatort Detective Inspector Miroslav Nemec, TV journalist Sonia
Seymour Mikich, the film actresses Suzanne von Borsody and Marie
Luise Marjan, ZDF presenter Cherno Jobatey and Michael Radix,
Executive Director of the CIVIS Media Foundation.
The European CIVIS TV Prize in the Entertainment category
(fiction) this year went to Marius van Duijn for "No Place Like Home"
(VPRO). The biting game show exposes the dubiousness of public
demands for integration in view of the actual deportation practice in
Europe. "A merciless game", according to the jury, which with smiling
faces, highlights the misery of applicants for political asylum. With
a laugh which sticks in the throat. A production which is outstanding
in terms of both form and content".
The European CIVIS TV Prize in the Information category was
awarded to author Mano Khalil for his documentary: "Filmszene: Our
Garden of Eden" (SRF). In it he documents the meanwhile dramatic
coexistence of native Swiss and new Swiss citizens in a multicultural
garden colony. The jury's view: "A splendid documentary which is
outstanding from both journalistic and cinematic points of view".
The German CIVIS TV Prize in the Entertainment category (fiction)
went to the authors Ali Samadi Ahadi and Arne Nolting. In "Salami
Aleikum" (ZDF), a small Persian falls in love with the towering
daughter of the landlord of an East German village hostelry and thus
becomes the bearer of hope for the textile industry which has laid
fallow ever since reunification. "A grotesque comedy which
passionately plays with cultural stereotypes", in the opinion of the
jury. "A funny, emotionally strong and moving ethno-comedy. First
class cinematically and in terms of its acting".
The German CIVIS TV Prize in the Information category went to
Günter Yasemin Balci and Nicola Graef for their documentation:
"Menschen Hautnah: Death of a Judge - on the Trail of Kirstin Heisig"
(WDR). The authors show the Berlin juvenile court judge Kirstin
Heisig with her great personal engagement for prompt criminal
prosecution, jurisdiction as well as prevention and integration of
juvenile delinquents. The jury's opinion: "Exciting, very interesting
- Impressive in both form and content."
The European CIVIS Radio Prize in the "Long Programme" category
(over six minutes) went to Patrick Batarilo for his radio feature
programme "Back to Bosporus" (SWR). More and more Turks of the second
and third generation are turning their backs on Germany and move to
the Bosporus. The author follows the German-Turks to Turkey and
discovers them mediators of German culture. "It presents", said the
jury, "a reflection of the German integration debate - humorous and
of high radiophonic quality".
Christina Rubarth was honoured with the European CIVIS Radio Prize
in the "Short Programme" category (under six minutes), for her report
"All Summer Long - Summer camp for Romany children in Berlin"
(Deutschlandradio Kultur). Many Romany children hardly speak a word
of German even after months of school lessons. The author approaches
the Romany children cautiously and focuses on their statements. "An
impressive, intense listening experience", praised the jury. "A
politically important contribution about Europe largest minority".
The sponsoring prize European Young CIVIS Media Prize went to the
director Shariff Korver for his television film "No way back"
(Nederlandse Film en Televisie Académie). The action is set in a
Dutch refugee camp and tells an exciting psychological drama. "A film
that demands you take a position", believed the jury. "Strong images
and haunting. An outstanding piece of direction. Impressive formally
and in terms of content".
Overview of all prize-winners
European CIVIS TV Prize - Entertainment (fiction):
"No Place like Home" (VPRO), Marius van Duijn
European CIVIS TV Prize - Information:
"Our Garden of Eden" - Mano Khalil
German CIVIS TV Prize - Entertainment (fiction):
"Salami Aleikum" (ZDF) - Ali Samadi Ahadi, Arne Nolting
German CIVIS TV Prize - Information:
"Death of a Judge - Kirsten Heisig " (WDR) - Günter Yasemin Balci,
Nicole Graef
European CIVIS Radio Prize - long programmes over six minutes:
"Back to Bosporus" (SWR) - Patrick Batarilo
European CIVIS Radio Prize - short programmes under six minutes:
"Summer Camp for Romany children in Berlin" (Dradio Kultur) -
Christina Rubarth
European Young CIVIS Media Prize:
"No way back" (Nederlandse Film en Televisie Academie Amsterdam) -
Shariff Korver
European CIVIS Online Media Prize:
Web platform of the Parisian online magazine ""-
Alexandre Heully
Broadcasting times CIVIS Media Prize 2012
PHOENIX 09.05.2012 23.00 hrs (Der Tag)
ARD/Das Erste 10.05.2012 00.00 hrs.
ORF III TV 10.05.2012 23.00 hrs.
tagesschau24 11.05.2012 21.00 hrs.
WDR Fernsehen 12.05.2012 10.00 hrs.
3 Sat 13.05.2012 12.00 hrs.
WDR Radio and the television channel of Deutschen Welle (DW.) will
also be reporting. Live on the Internet at and
Annika Hoffmann
WDR Press and Information
Telephone: +49-0221-220-7125
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