
EANS-News: PVA TePla AG / Business figures for first quarter of 2012

Geschrieben am 11-05-2012

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

3-month report

Wettenberg (euro adhoc) - - Consolidated sales revenues: EUR
31.0 million (previous year: EUR 23.1 million)

- EBIT: EUR 2.9 million (previous year: EUR 1.8 million)
- Consolidated net profit for the period: EUR 2.0 million (previous year:
EUR 1.3 million)
- Incoming orders: EUR 18.9 million (previous year: EUR 39.0 million)
- Order backlog: EUR 60.5 million (previous year: EUR 68.7 million)

(Wettenberg, May 11, 2012) - PVA TePla AG - the manufacturer of
silicon crystallization systems, vacuum and high-temperature systems,
generated sales revenues of EUR 31.0 million in the first quarter of
2012 (previous year: EUR 23.1 million), its EBIT amounted to EUR 2.9
million (previous year: EUR 1.8 million).

The Industrial Systems division increased its sales revenue from EUR
11.3 million in the same quarter of the previous year to EUR 13.8
million. An even more significant increase in sales revenue was
posted in Semiconductor Systems at EUR 14.5 million (previous year:
EUR 8.8 million). Sales revenue in the Solar Systems division
remained at a low level of EUR 2.7 million on account of the minimal
order backlog (previous year: EUR 3.1 million).

As expected, EBIT and consolidated net income for the period were
well above the previous year's figures at EUR 2.9 million (previous
year: EUR 1.8 million) and EUR 2.0 million (previous year: EUR 1.3
million) respectively. The EBIT margin was at the upper end of the
forecast range at 9.5% (previous year: 7.6%).

Incoming orders in the PVA TePla Group developed in line with our
expectations for the first quarter of 2012 but were significantly
below the previous year's figure at EUR 18.9 million (EUR 39.0
million). The book-to-bill-ratio therefore changed to 0.6 (previous
year: 1.7). At EUR 12.7 million in the first three months of 2012,
incoming orders in Industrial Systems division remained at the same
good level as the first quarter of the previous year

(EUR 15.6 million). Semiconductor Systems division generated
significantly lower incoming orders than in the same period of the
previous year of EUR 5.8 million (previous year: EUR 22.4 million).
In the same quarter of the previous year, this division had been
dominated in particular by high incoming orders for semi-conductor
crystal-growing systems that it was not expected to repeat in the
past quarter. Incoming orders for the Solar Systems division amounted
to EUR 0.3 million (previous year: EUR 0.9 million). Business
performance in this unit is largely dependent on major orders, which
are not anticipated at the current time on account of the difficult
market environment in the photovoltaics industry.

As forecast, cash flow from operating activities was positive again
in the first quarter of 2012 at EUR 3.9 million (previous year: EUR
2.3 million). Cash flow used in investing activities amounted to EUR
0.2 million (previous year: EUR 0.2 million). The PVA TePla Group's
liquidity situation remains positive, as indicated by the high level
of cash and cash equivalents of EUR 17.9 million.

PVA TePla is confirming its guidance for fiscal 2012 of anticipated
consolidated sales revenues of EUR 120-130 million and an EBIT margin
of between 8% and 10%.

Further inquiry note:
Dr. Gert Fisahn
Telefon: +49(0)641 68690-400
E-Mail: gert.fisahn@pvatepla.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: PVA TePla AG
Im Westpark 10-12
D-35435 Wettenberg
phone: +49(0)641 68690-0
FAX: +49(0)641 68690-800
mail: ir@pvatepla.com
WWW: http://www.pvatepla.com
sector: Misc. Industrials
ISIN: DE0007461006
indexes: CDAX
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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