
Scaleo Chip Introduces AMEC®, a Breakthrough Technology for Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Motors Control

Geschrieben am 14-05-2012

Sophia Antipolis, France (ots/PRNewswire) -

Scaleo chip, the leading fabless semiconductor company in
automotive electronics for powertrain, body control and
driver-information, announced today the introduction of AMEC(R), a
breakthrough technology for internal combustion engines and electric
motors control. AMEC(R) will be first available in OLEA, Scaleo
chip's new family of microcontrollers optimized for powertrain

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120514/531493 )

The global environment concern for pollutant emission and energy
consumption reduction leads carmakers to develop a wide variety of
new powertrain systems, from downsized thermal engine, via hybrid
system to full electric motorization. These solutions come along with
the increase of electric driven functions, controlling complex engine
system together with functional safety constraints inherited from
both the Euro 7 regulation and the ISO 26262 standard applications.
To control these new generations of powertrain systems, an Electronic
Control Unit should rely on a microcontroller enabled to manage of a
wide variety of engines, while offering reliability, enhanced
computation capability and fast response time. Scaleo chip's answer
to this challenge is AMEC(R) - Advanced Motor Events Control, a
flexible microcontroller's interface for engine control.

AMEC(R) is an advanced real-time and parallel signal processing
unit directly controlling and interfacing actuators and sensors. Its
core technology relies on the unique combination of a Flexible Logic
Unit (FLU) and Powertrain-ready Peripherals set (PrP) enabling Tiers
1s and carmakers to differentiate themselves by implementing their
know-how both in software and hardware. AMEC(R) has been designed to
cover Euro 7 and CAFE powertrain applications and provides
uncompromised performance and high system integration capabilities
for both thermal and electric applications. With its flexible
hardware-based parallel processing, AMEC(R)'s changes the paradigm
from traditional and limited software, based on "multi-small-CPU
architecture" solution offered by the competition.

AMEC(R) usage offers multiple benefits for ECU's makers. It has a
fixed and fast response time whatever the amount and occurrence of
events to process, blowing out the limit of efficiency and accuracy
for the control of the engines. FLU and PrP hardware resources
off-load the microcontroller CPU from time consuming signal
processing, reducing furthermore the response time and releasing more
resources for the application. AMEC(R) flexibility allows the control
of a wide range of current and upcoming powertrain systems and
extends the life cycle of ECUs platforms with support of yet to come
sensors, actuators or signal processing algorithms. AMEC(R)
simplifies ECU design and dramatically saves cost, banning useless
external logic or component to build a complete function or match
response timing. Finally, as AMEC(R) is hardware based, its
configuration and programming is seamless, directly from industry's
standard tools.

"AMEC(R) technology surpasses current and upcoming solutions for
engine control" says Pascal Jullien, VP Advanced Technology. "By
considering the design of our microcontroller at the ECU system
level, we provide a solution that enables highly integrated,
efficient and flexible powertrain ECU platforms."

AMEC(R) is available for evaluation within OLEA prototype boards
for selected customers. More information on OLEA and AMEC(R) can be
found on Scaleo chip's website.

About Scaleo chip:

Scaleo chip is a semiconductor fabless company that designs,
develops and sells complete and high value solutions, combining
System-on-Chip (SoC) and embedded software for the future of
automotive electronics industry. Scaleo chip product offering
includes standard automotive microcontrollers addressing powertrain,
body control, driver information and infotainment applications. The
company leverages its technology and know-how by offering
additionally custom products development and manufacturing for
applications requiring added quality constraints as in defense or
industrial markets. Scaleo chip is headquartered in Sophia-Antipolis
in the south of France. Additional information about Scaleo chip can
be found at http://www.scaleochip.com.


ots Originaltext: Scaleo chip
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Communication/Press contact: Scaleo chip, Marie Redureau, Tel:
+33(0)497-152-050, E-mail: marie.redureau@scaleochip.com,
contact: Scaleo chip, Tel: +33(0)497-152-000, E-mail:


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