Geschrieben am 18-05-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Subtitle: • Scalable platform enables dynamic updates,
personalization of content • Innovative user mobile app offers rich
NFC experience
SANTA ANA, Calif. and ISMANING, Germany, May 18, 2012 (euro adhoc) -
Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV), a provider of
products and services for the identification, payment and NFC
mobility markets, today announced the release of its cloud-based near
field communication (NFC) tag management platform, which allows
advertisers, retailers and organizations in the education,
hospitality and other markets to manage the delivery of dynamic,
targeted content and services to consumers' NFC-enabled mobile
devices. The new platform will be launched at the NFC Solutions
Summit, a conference and showcase for the latest developments in NFC
technology being held May 22-24 in Burlingame, California.
"Identive's new NFC tag management service enables the creation of
dynamic mobile marketing and service programs that allow brand
sponsors, merchants and other content owners to test and tune their
messaging in real time. Our cloud-based architecture also allows
content owners to mobilize information into consumable bites for
targeted demographics, resulting in more meaningful engagement with
consumers," said David Holmes, vice president Mobility & NFC
Solutions for Identive. "An innovative, interactive mobile dashboard
app allows users to receive richer and more personalized content
whenever they tap their phones to an associated NFC tag. Users can
then shape their own experience by using the app to set preferences,
save and organize tag content on their phones and later enjoy
re-living the experience from favorite tags and sharing it via social
Identive's NFC tag management platform builds on the Company's
expertise in Software as a Service (SaaS) and NFC technologies and
its experience in designing, manufacturing and deploying millions of
NFC tags and readers. The platform leverages a cloud-based
architecture that allows multi-tenant use and supports intelligent
profiling properties, enabling the delivery of personalized content
to each user. By managing the content associated with each NFC tag
deployed within a particular environment, information, campaigns and
service offers can be dynamically updated or customized for specific
user profiles. Deploying the service takes less than a minute per
tag, and deployments can be scaled to any number of tags and users.
"With hundreds of millions of new NFC-enabled mobile devices reaching
consumers' hands in the next few years, we will see billions of new
NFC tags - on everything from product posters to transit maps - that
allow those phones to interact with the physical world," stated Ayman
S. Ashour, chairman and chief executive officer of Identive. "Our
cloud-based tag management platform provides a powerful, yet easy to
implement tool for dynamically managing the content on NFC tags to
ensure they remain relevant and effective for content owners and
users alike. This pioneering service offering further strengthens
Identive's unique position in the emerging NFC ecosystem."
Identive's NFC tag management platform is offered as a complete
solution that includes backend cloud-based services, NFC tags, the
mobile user app, and custom deployment and professional services
support. The current release supports the millions of Android-based
mobile phones now in the market. Future releases will support all
other major mobile platforms, including Windows Mobile, iOS, and
About Identive Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV) is
focused on building the world's signature company in Secure ID. The
company's products, software, systems and services address the
markets for identity management, physical and logical access control,
cashless payment, NFC solutions and a host of RFID-enabled
applications for customers in the government, enterprise, consumer,
education and healthcare sectors. Identive's mission is to build a
lasting business of scale and technology based on a combination of
strong technology-driven organic growth and disciplined acquisitive
expansion. The company delivers up-to-date information on its
activity as well as industry trends through its industry-leading
social media initiatives and educational resource, AskIdentive.com.
For additional information, please visit www.identive-group.com or
follow on Twitter at @IdentiveGroup.
Further inquiry note:
Mr. Lennart Streibel
Tel.: +49 89 9595-5195
E-Mail: lstreibel@identive-group.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Identive Group Inc.
Carnegie Ave., Bldg. B 1900
US-CA 92705 Santa Ana
phone: +1 949 553 4280
FAX: +49 89 9595-5555
mail: investorrelations@identive-group.com
WWW: http://www.identive-group.com
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: US45170X1063
indexes: NASDAQ
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
Nasdaq: New York, Open Market / Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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