EANS-Adhoc: Sixt Aktiengesellschaft / Sixt: Further Growth, Earnings at High
Level in Q1 2012
Geschrieben am 22-05-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
3-month report
Ad hoc disclosure in accordance with section 15 WpHG
Sixt AG, Zugspitzstr. 1, 82049 Pullach
WKN: 723132, ISIN: DE0007231326
WKN: 723133, ISIN: DE0007231334
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Prime Standard Segment
Quarterly figures
Sixt: Further Growth, Earnings at High Level in Q1 2012
Pullach, 22 May 2012 - In the first quarter of 2012, the Sixt Group
continued its growth course from the previous year, and reported
business performance within its expectations. Consolidated revenue
increased 4.5% to EUR 380.8 million (Q1 2011: EUR 364.4 million).
Results of operations at the international provider of mobility
services remained at a high level. Despite higher operating costs,
which were expected, and the start-up costs for new operations,
consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT), at EUR 26.0 million, was
only 6.2% below the figure for the same quarter last year, EUR 27.8
million, after adjustment for non-recurring income of EUR 4.4 million
(reported prior-year figure: EUR 32.2 million). Compared to EBT from
the last quarter of 2011 (EUR 23.3 million), however, the Q1 earnings
before taxes increased 11.9%. Sixt is reporting a consolidated profit
after taxes for the first three months of 2012 of EUR 17.9 million
(Q1 2011: EUR 22.4 million).
As demand continued strong in the Vehicle Rental Business Unit,
rental revenue (excluding other revenue from rental business)
increased 10.3% to reach EUR 215.7 million (Q1 2011: EUR 195.6
million). Growth was driven by business both in Germany (+5.7%) and
internationally (+22.1%). Overall, the Vehicle Rental Business Unit's
quarterly revenue was EUR 237.5 million (Q1 2011: EUR 217.1 million;
In the Leasing Segment, leasing revenue for the quarter, at EUR 93.3
million, was down 3.4% from the prior-year equivalent of EUR 96.5
million. Total revenue at the Leasing Business Unit for January
through March came to EUR 141.2 million (Q1 2011: EUR 145.4 million;
Management has reconfirmed its previous projections for 2012 as a
whole. Given the slackening economy in Europe, it assumes this year
will be more difficult than last. Sixt expects that rental revenue
will continue to rise, and also considers an increase in leasing
revenue possible. Results of operations are again expected to be
good. However, macroeconomic risks and higher operating costs may
well make it difficult to repeat the very high level of earnings from
Frank Elsner
Sixt Central Press Office
T +49 - 89 - 992 496 - 30/ - 31
F +49 - 89 - 992 496 - 32
E-Mail: pressrelations@sixt.com
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
+49 (0)89-74444-5104
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Sixt Aktiengesellschaft
Zugspitzstraße 1
D-82049 Pullach
phone: +49 (0) 89 74444 5104
FAX: +49 (0) 89 74444 85104
mail: InvestorRelations@sixt.de
WWW: http://www.sixt.de
sector: Automotive Equipment
ISIN: DE0007231326, DE0007231334
indexes: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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Ad hoc Mitteilung nach § 15 WpHG
Sixt AG, Zugspitzstr. 1, 82049 Pullach
WKN: 723132, ISIN: DE0007231326
WKN: 723133, ISIN: DE0007231334
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