
Johnson Controls introduces innovative production process for lightweight door panels made of natural fibers (BILD)

Geschrieben am 22-05-2012

Burscheid, Germany (ots) -

- Cross-reference: Pictures are available at:
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

- Intelligent solutions for interior, seating structure and
electronics save weight and increase quality and comfort

Johnson Controls, a global leader in automotive seating, interiors
and electronics, is providing a series of innovative door panels,
seat structures and instrument clusters for the new BMW 3 Series.

The door panels are made using a combination of natural fibers and
plastic that are 20 percent lighter than conventional components. The
seat structures for the driver's seat save three to four kilograms
depending on the model. The instrument cluster features an Automotive
Pixel Link (APIX*) high-speed, point-to-point connection.

"With our innovative products, we are helping BMW make the new 3
Series comfortable and sustainable. We offer high-quality, lighter
weight components that reduce fuel consumption," said Beda Bolzenius,
president of Johnson Controls Automotive Experience. "We also use
renewable and environmentally-sound raw materials in the interior

The non-visible door panel elements for the new BMW 3 Series sedan
and sports wagon models are largely made of wood fiber. The natural
fiber carrier is directly molded with plastic. This innovative
production method makes the door panel considerably lighter. A state-
of-the-art process known as groove lamination is used to apply the
fabric or leather trim on the door panel. This process involves the
trim being joined in recesses, eliminating the need for an additional
component and further reducing weight.

Four special features characterize the seat structure of the new
BMW 3 Series. The use of high-strength steel means it is both stable
and lightweight. The low seat back pivot point makes the seat
particularly comfortable as it snugly fits the occupant's back. The
structure also offers a very finely graduated recliner to ensure the
best sitting position. Adjusting motors using four-pole technology,
in some cases with rare-earth magnets that have a stronger magnetic
field than conventional ferrite magnets, are used in the electrically
adjustable seats.

This means they need a smaller installation space and are
approximately 200 grams lighter. With up to four motors per seat,
this also enables a significant weight reduction. The seat structures
are modular in design. They are available with four and eight-way
functionality for four and five-door models. There is also a version
with an easy-entry function for two-door models.

The basic instrument cluster for the new BMW 3 Series has day and
night design and not only offers high-quality analog displays and LED
pilot lights but also a 2.7-inch TFT display. The instrument cluster
features a bidirectional APIX* high-speed point-to-point connection
that facilitates robust image and control data transmission using
just one interface. This technology is used in displays and stepper
motors on the design circuit board to communicate with the
electronics on the PCB (printed circuit board) behind it. Data are
transferred at 250 megabits per second, with the APIX technology
facilitating up to 3 gigabits per second. Johnson Controls has
engineered new solutions with respect to software and electromagnetic
compatibility for the use of APIX.

Digital images are available online from

About Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial
leader serving customers in more than 150 countries. Our 162,000
employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize
energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid
automotive batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric
vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles. Our commitment to
sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of
the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategies and
by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to
shareholders and making our customers successful.

About Johnson Controls Automotive Experience

Johnson Controls is a global leader in automotive seating,
overhead systems, door and instrument panels, and interior
electronics. We support all major automakers in the differentiation
of their vehicles through our products, technologies and advanced
manufacturing capabilities. With 240 locations worldwide, we are
where our customers need us to be. Consumers have enjoyed the comfort
and style of our products, from single components to complete
interiors. With our global capability we supply approximately 50
million cars per year.

*APIX is a registered trademark of Inova Semiconductors

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more
Johnson Controls GmbH
Automotive Experience
Industriestraße 20-30
51399 Burscheid Germany

Ulrich Andree
Tel.: +49 2174 65-4343
Fax: +49 2174 65-3219
E-mail: ulrich.andree@jci.com


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