
EANS-Adhoc: austriamicrosystems AG / Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda including name change to ams AG with a large majority

Geschrieben am 24-05-2012

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this


Unterpremstaetten, Austria (May 24, 2012) - The Annual General
Meeting of austriamicrosystems AG (SIX: AMS), a leading worldwide
designer and manufacturer of high performance analog ICs for the
markets consumer, communications, industry, medical and automotive,
today approved all items on the agenda with a large majority. Of
these, several items were approved unanimously. The name change to
ams AG completes the change to the new ams brand and will become
legally binding after registration in the commercial register.

about ams

ams develops and manufactures high performance analog semiconductors
that solve its customers' most challenging problems with innovative
solutions. ams' products are aimed at applications which require
extreme precision, accuracy, dynamic range, sensitivity, and
ultra-low power consumption. ams' product range includes sensors,
sensor interfaces, power management ICs and wireless ICs for
customers in the consumer, industrial, medical, mobile communications
and automotive markets.

With headquarters in Austria, ams employs over 1,200 people globally
and serves more than 6,500 customers worldwide. ams is listed on the
SIX Swiss stock exchange (ticker symbol: AMS). More information
about ams can be found at www.ams.com.

Further inquiry note:
Moritz M. Gmeiner
Director Investor Relations
Tel: +43 3136 500-31211
Fax: +43 3136 500-931211
Email: investor@austriamicrosystems.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: austriamicrosystems AG
Schloß Premstaetten
A-8141 Unterpremstaetten
phone: +43 3136 500-0
FAX: +43 3136 500-931211
mail: investor@ams.com
WWW: www.ams.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: AT0000920863
stockmarkets: official dealing: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English


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