EANS-General Meeting: Intercell AG / Resolutions of the General Meeting
Geschrieben am 25-05-2012 |
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Voting results of Intercell's Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2012
Report on the Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Vienna, May 25, 2012 - Intercell AG (Vienna Stock Exchange, ICLL)
today announced that all resolutions were approved by the Annual
Shareholders' Meeting held today. The agenda points 5 (authorized
capital) and 6 (convertible bonds) have been deleted, against the
background of the ongoing capital increase before the Annual
Shareholders' Meeting. A total of approximately 19.6 % of the
outstanding share capital of Intercell AG was represented in the
The resolutions included:
Discharge of the members of the management board for the business
year 2011.
Discharge of the members of the supervisory board for the business
year 2011.
Remuneration for the members of the supervisory board for the
business year 2011.
Election of two members to the supervisory board, Hans Wigzell.
Election of the auditor and the group auditor for the business year
At the meeting Intercell's Management Team CEO Thomas Lingelbach and
CFO Reinhard Kandera reported on the business year 2011 including the
financial results and presented an overview on the business strategy
and recent achievements in 2012. The presentation to the shareholders
is available at the Company's website www.intercell.com.
Further details about the resolutions will be available by May 29,
2012 on www.intercell.com.
Further inquiry note:
Intercell AG
Nina Waibel
Corporate Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-1222
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Intercell AG
Campus Vienna Biocenter 3
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 1 20620-0
FAX: +43 1 20620-800
mail: investors@intercell.com
WWW: www.intercell.com
sector: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
indexes: ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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