Amendment of the Business Combination Agreement with Derby Cycle AG and announcement of intended Squeeze-out of minority shareholders of Derby Cycle AG
Geschrieben am 29-05-2012 |
Almere, the Netherlands / Kerpen, Germany (ots) - Derby Cycle AG
(ISIN DE000A1H6HN1), Pon Holdings B.V. and Pon Holding Germany GmbH
(Pon Holdings B.V. and Pon Holding Germany GmbH together "Pon")
amended on 28 May 2012 the Business Combination Agreement dated 21
September 2011 ("BCA") and mutually waived the lock-up period set out
therein which prohibited inter alia the implementation of squeeze-out
procedures and a subsequent delisting of Derby Cycle AG until 21
March 2013. The amendment of the BCA was published by Derby Cycle AG
via an ad hoc release on 28 May 2012.
Pon Holding Germany GmbH purchased today further Derby
Cycle-shares and will as a result hold over 95% of Derby Cycle AG's
share capital. Once Pon Holding Germany GmbH's depositary bank has
confirmed this increased shareholding, which is expected in the
course of today, Pon Holding Germany GmbH will immediately submit a
formal squeeze-out request to Derby Cycle AG in accordance with
section 327a German Stock Corporation Act.
Pon Holding Germany GmbH intends to effect a Squeeze-out as soon
as possible. Subsequently after the amendment of the BCA and the
respective ad hoc announcement by Derby Cycle AG, Pon Holding Germany
GmbH has purchased further Derby Cycle AG shares from A/M/S GmbH at a
purchase price of EUR 28,00 per share and both parties have
instructed their depositary banks to transfer the purchased shares to
Pon Holding Germany GmbH. Such share transfer will take place in the
course of today. As a result, Pon Holding Germany GmbH will then hold
more than 95% of Derby Cycle AG's share capital. Once Pon Holding
Germany GmbH's depositary bank has confirmed the receipt of the
respective additional Derby Cycle-shares on Pon Holding Germany
GmbH's depositary account, which is expected in the course of today,
Pon Holding Germany GmbH will immediately submit to Derby Cycle AG a
squeeze-out-request in accordance with section 327a German Stock
Corporation Act.
For more information:
Pon Holdings B.V.
Jacques Geijsen
Derby Cycle AG
Arne Sudhoff
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