EANS-News: Hoeft & Wessel supplies ticketing vending machines to Poland
Geschrieben am 31-05-2012 |
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Government Contracts
Subtitle: - Region of Katowice will get more than 100 almex.station
units - Sale of tickets and smartcards
Hannover/Germany, 31/05/2012. (euro adhoc) - The manufacturer Hoeft &
Wessel AG will supply ticketing vending machines (TVM's) to Poland.
Asseco Poland S.A. has now ordered 109 TVM's of the almex.station
product series which will be supplied in the second half of 2012. The
new generation of terminals will be set up at bus and tram stops of
the municipal transit association of the industrial region of Upper
Silesia headquartered in the city of Katowice (KZK GOP Komunikacyjny
Zwiazek Komunalny Górnoslaskiego Okregu Przemyslowego). These TVM's
are part of a project for the introduction of a new smart card
featuring RFID technology.
The rechargeable SKUP card, as it is called, can be used both to pay
for tickets and for services offered by municipal facilities. The
SKUP card itself can also be bought at the new TVM's. As a result,
the terminals themselves also feature as a key distribution channel
for the new means of payment. Moreover, the RFID card can also be
topped up at the TVM's.
Main contractors of the comprehensive smart card project are the
Polish companies Asseco Poland S.A. and BRE Bank S.A. Asseco is the
seventh largest IT provider in Europe and market leader in Poland
with key focus of its business operations in Eastern Europe. BRE Bank
is one of the top Polish providers of comprehensive corporate banking
The region of Upper Silesia has roughly 2 million inhabitants. With
its 250 trams and 1,000 line buses, the municipal transit authority
carries 300 million passengers per annum.
Thanks to their big 15" (381 mm) touch displays, the new TVM's are
easy and convenient to operate. At the new almex.station terminals,
payment can be made both in cash and using EMV contactless credit
cards - and the new SKUP smart card. The terminals are already
prepared for a possible introduction of the euro. With over 10,000
TVM's throughout Europe, Hoeft & Wessel provides a tried- and-tested,
reliable ticketing system with long service intervals as an
additional benefit.
For several years now, Eastern Europe has been one of the key
regional focal points for business operations of the Hoeft & Wessel
Group. Stationary and mobile ticketing systems have already been
implemented in several countries.
Press folder: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/12945/hoeft_wessel_ag/
The Company The Hoeft & Wessel Group is the leading IT and
engineering technology Group for ticketing, parking and mobile
solutions in Germany and Great Britain. Established in 1978 by the
two entrepreneurs who gave the company its name, the enterprise has
developed into a group of companies with sales revenues of approx.
EUR 80 million. Its main locations are Hannover, Germany, and
Swindon, UK, to the west of London.
Further inquiry note:
Arnd Fritzemeier
Tel.: +49-511-6102-300
E-Mail: PR@hoeft-wessel.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Höft & Wessel AG
Rotenburger Str. 20
D-30659 Hannover
phone: +49-511-6102-0
FAX: +49-511-6102-411
mail: ir@hoeft-wessel.com
WWW: http://www.hoeft-wessel.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: DE0006011000
indexes: Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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