EANS-News: LPKF sets course for further growth and establishes "Operations"
Management Board department
Geschrieben am 31-05-2012 |
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Annual & Special Corporate Meetings
Garbsen (euro adhoc) - Annual General Meeting resolves on dividend
and appoints new Supervisory Board member
Garbsen, 31 May 2012 - Garbsen-based specialty mechanical engineering
company LPKF Laser & Electronics AG today announced that its
shareholders clearly voted in favor of the direction taken by the
Company's management and approved all items on the agenda at the
Annual General Meeting on 31 May 2012. LPKF AG allows its
shareholders to participate in the Company's profits with a dividend
of EUR 0.40 per share and intends to continue paying them between 30
percent and 50 percent of the profit per share in future years.
In financial year 2011, with revenue of EUR 91.1 million (+12
percent), the laser specialist posted an EBIT (earnings before
interest and taxes) margin of 17 percent, which is at the top end of
the forecast range.
In view of the positive development of its business, management is
currently focusing on aligning its internal structures toward further
growth. "In 2011, we created the general conditions for further
growth with our historically high infrastructure investment program,
and now we are focusing more intensively on the further development
of our organization," commented Dr. Ingo Bretthauer, Chief Executive
Officer of LPKF. With the help of an external consultant, the
Supervisory Board and the Management Board analyzed the structures of
the Company and evaluated the initial results. The Supervisory Board
has already taken a strategic step by setting up a fourth Management
Board department called "Operations" that will combine production,
purchasing, and logistics in particular from July 2012. This
department aims to make greater use of and push synergies at Group
level. The new Management Board position will be filled shortly.
Changes were also made in the Supervisory Board, with Bernd Hackmann
being elected as its new member. The graduate engineer held the post
of Chairman of the Management Board of LPKF AG until 2008 and has
since worked as a consultant for technology companies. Bernd
Hildebrandt, co-founder and major shareholder of LPKF, stepped down
from the Supervisory Board. Following the establishment of LPKF Laser
& Electronics AG, he had managed the Company for 24 years as its
General Manager and later as CEO.
Bernd Hildebrandt had acted as Chairman of LPKF's Supervisory Board
for the last eleven years. The 65-year-old is retiring from the
successfully expanding Company for personal reasons. Over the coming
years he plans to dedicate more time to his foundation,
"Tier-hilft-Mensch" (Animal-Help-Human). The Management Board and the
Supervisory Board thanked Bernd Hildebrandt for his work in recent
years and wished Bernd Hackmann every success in his new field of
work. Acting on the Supervisory Board's suggestion, the former Deputy
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Dr. Heino Büsching, will now run
for the position of Supervisory Board chairman.
About LPKF LPKF Laser & Electronics AG specializes in the production
of laser systems for micro material processing, a field in which it
is the world leader in several sectors. Founded in 1976, the Group
has its headquarters in Garbsen near Hannover in Germany and does
business around the world together with its subsidiaries and
representatives. LPKF has around 617 employees globally. The shares
in LPKF Laser & Electronics AG are traded on the Prime Standard of
the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN 0006450000).
Further inquiry note:
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG
Bettina Schäfer, Investor Relations Manager (CIRO)
Tel: (05131) 7095-1382
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: LPKF Laser & Electronics AG
Osteriede 7
D-30827 Garbsen
phone: +49(0)5131 7095 1382
FAX: +49(0)5131 7095 90
mail: investorrelations@lpkf.com
WWW: http://www.lpkf.de
sector: Semiconductors & active components
ISIN: DE0006450000
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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weitere Artikel:
- EANS-News: LPKF stellt Weichen für weiteres Wachstum und führt Vorstandsbereich
"Operations" ein --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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