EANS-General Meeting: conwert Immobilien Invest SE / Resolutions of the General
Geschrieben am 31-05-2012 |
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
conwert Immobilien Invest SE
ISIN-Code AT0000697750
In accordance with § 65 para. 1 a of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
in conjunction with § 82 para. 9 of the Stock Exchange Act (BörseG),
conwert Immobilien Invest SE discloses the following resolution
passed by the Annual General Meeting on 31 May 2012
"The existing authorisation to repurchase treasury shares for no
specific purpose in accordance with the general meeting of 11
(eleventh) October 2010 (two thousand ten) is hereby revoked.
The Administrative Board shall be authorised to acquire treasury
shares of the Company for a period of 30 (thirty) months from the day
of the adoption of the resolution in accordance with § 65 (section
sixty-five) paragraph 1 (one) figure 8 (eight) as well as paragraph
1a (one litera a) and 1b (one litera b) of the Stock Corporation Act,
with the lowest consideration for the repurchase amounting to EUR 1,-
(euro one) and the highest consideration for the repurchase amounting
to EUR 14,- (euro fourteen), and to determine the repurchasing
conditions. The Administrative Board shall publish the resolution of
the Administrative Board and the respective buyback programme based
on it, including its duration in accordance with the legal
requirements. The Administrative Board may exercise this
authorisation within the legal requirements regarding the maximum
number of treasury shares once or several times, each time up to a
maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the share capital. The authorisation
may be exercised fully or partially, also in several partial amounts
and in pursuit of one or several purposes by the Company, a
subsidiary (§ 228 (section two hundred twenty-eight) paragraph 3
(three) of the Commercial Code) or by third parties for the account
of the company. The acquisition may be conducted on or off exchange
in compliance with the legal requirements. Trading in treasury shares
shall be excluded as a purpose of acquisition.
The Administrative Board shall be authorised to withdraw the treasury
shares acquired on the basis of the resolution in accordance with
item 1.a) (one litera a) of the agenda without any further resolution
by the Annual General Meeting (including the authorisation of the
Administrative Board of the Company to adopt amendments to the
articles of association of the Company which result from withdrawing
the shares) or to resell them and to determine the selling
conditions. The authorisation may be exercised fully or in several
partial amounts and in pursuit of one or several purposes by the
Company, a subsidiary (§ 228 (section two hundred twenty-eight)
paragraph 3 (three) of the Commercial Code) or by third parties for
the account of the Company.
The Administrative Board shall be authorised for a period of 5 (five)
years from the day of the resolution, in accordance with § 65
(section sixty-five) paragraph 1b (one litera b) of the Stock
Corporation Act, to adopt a legally permissible way other than via
the stock exchange or public offering for the sale of treasury
shares, also excluding the repurchasing rights of shareholders, and
to determine the selling conditions."
Vienna, May 2012
Further inquiry note:
Clemens Billek,
Head of Investor Relations - Corporate Communications,
conwert Immobilien Invest SE,
T +43 / 1 / 521 45-700,
E cwi@conwert.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: conwert Immobilien Invest SE
Albertgasse 35
A-1080 Wien
phone: 52145-0
FAX: 52145-111
mail: cwi@conwert.at
WWW: http://www.conwert.at
sector: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000697750
indexes: WBI, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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