Weidmüller's system "Transclinic xi+": continuously monitors the performance of photovoltaic systems / - Four versions available for 4, 7, 8 and 14 strings
Geschrieben am 01-06-2012 |
Detmold (ots) - With "Transclinic xi+" Weidmüller is introducing a
system onto the market that permanently monitors the performance of
photovoltaic systems. The device series "Transclinic xi+" monitors
photovoltaic systems extremely precisely, for the simple reason only
fully functioning PV systems operate at high levels of efficiency.
Each of the device versions - for 4, 7, 8 and 14 strings -
continuously ascertains the current in individual strings or groups
of strings as well as the voltage of PV systems. This ensures any
impairment that could reduce the yield is detected immediately and
can be rectified. Depending on the module "Transclinic xi+" is
equipped with between 4 and 14 inputs to measure current up to 30 A
per string. Current measurements are extremely reliable thanks to the
use of precision shunt resistors. All modules are equipped with an
RS485 MODBUS RTU interface to facilitate smooth communication of
measured current and voltage data. In addition to current and voltage
measurements users are able to monitor self-defined analogue and
digital signals and actuate signalling devices via a digital output.
The information acquired about the operating status allows system
operators to reliably monitor his or her photovoltaic system and
makes a significant contribution towards optimising its yield.
Weidmüller's new system "Transclinic xi+" is designed to
continuously monitor the performance of photovoltaic systems. As is
well known, a significant factor determining the efficiency of a
photovoltaic system is its unrestricted functionality. The device
series "Transclinic xi+" developed by Weidmüller is designed to
continuously ascertain the current flowing in individual strings or
groups of strings as well as the voltage in photovoltaic systems, and
in so doing facilitates extremely detailed monitoring. That means any
impairment that could reduce the yield is detected immediately and
can be rectified. Depending on the module "Transclinic xi+" offers
between 4 and 14 inputs to measure current up to 30 A per string. To
achieve high levels of linearity precision shunt resistors are
utilised to measure string current. Measured current and voltage data
is transmitted via an RS485 MODBUS RTU interface. Thanks to the open
Modbus communication protocol - a de facto industrial standard -
"Transclinic xi+" devices are easy to integrate in any customer
Over and above measuring current and voltage values users are able
to monitor self-defined analogue and digital signals and actuate
signalling devices via a digital output. It is also possible to
control and switch signalling devices remotely via the digital output
- for servicing purposes, for example. "Transclinic xi+" devices are
designed to measure voltages up to 1000 VDC. With the acquired string
current figures users are easily able to calculate the power being
generated by the photovoltaic system being monitored.
In larger photovoltaic systems the "Transclinic xi+" system is
installed in the terminal box of the generator. All devices are
designed to operate reliably in a string box across a broad range of
temperatures (-20 ... +70 °C). With this in mind, the actual
temperature of the PCB is monitored. In addition to analogue values
such as current, voltage and PCB temperature it is also possible to
evaluate other analogue and digital signals: for example, it is
possible to monitor the status of surge protectors or read-out data
from wind or solar radiation sensors. The integrated I/Os mean there
is no need for additional devices.
The highly integrated design concept of the Transclinic devices
entering the market means users are not faced with the laborious task
of putting together individual modules. The system comprises four
versions: "Transclinic 4i+" (four strings, each up to a max. 30 A),
"Transclinic 7i+" (seven strings, each up to a max. 20 A),
"Transclinic 8i+" (eight strings, each up to a max. 30 A) and
"Transclinic 14i+" (14 strings, each up to a max. 20 A). The devices
are powered by 24 V (19 - 36 VDC). Each and every Transclinic device
is equipped with two analogue inputs (0 ... +10 V or 4 ... 20 mA) and
two digital inputs (0.5 V low, 15 ... 24 V high) as well as a digital
output (max. 30 V DC/AC / 50 mA).
Let´s connect.
Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co.KG
Klingenbergstrasse 16, 32758 Detmold
Horst Kalla
Fachpresse / Trade Press
Tel.: + 49 5231 14-29-1190
Fax: + 49 5231 14-29-1097
to: horst.kalla@weidmueller.de
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