EANS-Stimmrechte: Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG / Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs.
1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung
Geschrieben am 05-06-2012 |
Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
Mitteilung nach § 27a Abs. 1 WpHG (Wesentliche Beteiligung)
Angaben zum Mitteilungspflichtigen:
Name: Delta Lloyd N. V.
Sitz: Amsterdam
Staat: Niederlande
Am 4. Juni 2012 hat uns die Delta Lloyd N.V., Amsterdam, Niederlande, namens
der Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V., Amsterdam, Niederlande, der DLAM Holding
B.V., Amsterdam, Niederlande und der Delta Lloyd N.V., Amsterdam, Niederlande
anlässlich des Überschreitens der Schwelle von 10 Prozent der Stimmrechte gemäß
§ 27a Abs. 1 Satz 1, 3 und 4 WpHG hinsichtlich der mit dem Erwerb der
Stimmrechtsanteile verbundenen Ziele sowie der Herkunft der verwendeten Mittel
folgendes mitgeteilt:
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V.,
1. The voting rights in Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG are held by Delta Lloyd L
SICAV, Delta Lloyd Europees Deelnemingen Fonds N.V. and Delta Lloyd
Levensverzekering N.V. and are attributable to Delta Lloyd Asset Management
N.V. pursuant to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 WpHG. The investment of these
entities in the shares of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG is aimed at generating a
trading profit on a long-term basis.
2. Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. does not intend to acquire any voting
rights in Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG by means of a purchase or by any other
means. The entities which are directly holding the voting rights in Progress-
Werk Oberkirch AG intend to acquire further voting rights within the next
twelve months by means of a purchase if they consider the market conditions
as favourable. Under unchanged circumstances, such voting rights would again
be attributable to Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V.
3. Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. does not intend to exert an influence on
the appointment or removal of members of the administrative, managing and
supervisory bodies of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG other than by exercise of
the voting rights in elections to the supervisory board in shareholders'
4. Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. does not intend to achieve a material
change in the capital structure of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG, in particular
not with regard to the ratio between equity and debt funding and the dividend
DLAM Holding B.V.
1. The voting rights in Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG are held by Delta Lloyd L
SICAV, Delta Lloyd Europees Deelnemingen Fonds N.V. and Delta Lloyd
Levensverzekering N.V. and are attributable to DLAM Holding B.V. pursuant to
section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sent. 2 and 3 WpHG. The
investment of these entities in the shares of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG is
aimed at generating a trading profit on a long-term basis.
2. DLAM Holding B.V. does not intend to acquire any voting rights in Progress-
Werk Oberkirch AG by means of a purchase or by any other means. The entities
which are directly holding the voting rights in Progress-Werk AG intend to
acquire further voting rights within the next twelve months by means of a
purchase if they consider the market conditions as favourable. Under
unchanged circumstances, such voting rights would again be attributable to
DLAM Holding B.V.
3. DLAM Holding B.V. does not intend to exert an influence on the appointment
or removal of members of the administrative, managing and supervisory bodies
of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG other than by exercise of the voting rights
through its subsidiary Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. in elections to the
supervisory board in shareholders' meetings.
4. DLAM Holding B.V. does not intend to achieve a material change in the
capital structure of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG, in particular not with
regard to the ratio between equity and debt funding and the dividend policy.
Delta Lloyd N.V.
1. The voting rights in Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG are held by Delta Lloyd L
SICAV, Delta Lloyd Europees Deelnemingen Fonds N.V. and Delta Lloyd
Levensverzekering N.V. and are attributable to Delta Lloyd N.V. pursuant to
section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sent. 2 and 3 WpHG as well as
section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 1 WpHG. The investment of these entities in the
shares of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG is aimed at generating a trading profit
on a long-term basis.
2. Delta Lloyd N.V. does not intend to acquire any voting rights in Progress-
Werk Oberkirch AG by means of a purchase or by any other means. The entities
which are directly holding the voting rights in Progress-Werk AG intend to
acquire further voting rights within the next twelve months by means of a
purchase if they consider the market conditions as favourable. Under
unchanged circumstances, such voting rights would again be attributable to
Delta Lloyd N.V.
3. Delta Lloyd N.V. does not intend to exert an influence on the appointment or
removal of members of the administrative, managing and supervisory bodies of
Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG other than by exercise of the voting rights
through its subsidiary Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. in elections to the
supervisory board in shareholders' meetings.
4. Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. does not intend to achieve a material
change in the capital structure of Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG, in particular
not with regard to the ratio between equity and debt funding and the dividend
With regard to the source of the funds used for the acquisition of the voting
rights, we hereby notify you pursuant to section 27a (1) sent. 1, 4 WpHG in the
name and on behalf of Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V., DLAM Holding B.V. and
Delta Lloyd N.V. that the acquisition was financed using own resources of Delta
Lloyd Levensverzekering N.V. and external financial means that have been raised
by Delta Lloyd Europees Deelnemingen Fonds N.V and Delta Lloyd L SICAV in order
to finance the acquisition of the voting rights.
Oberkirch, 5. Juni 2012
Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG
Der Vorstand
Bernd Bartmann (CFO)
Phone: +49 7802 / 84-347
Fax: +49 7802 / 84-789
e-Mail: bernd.bartmann@progress-werk.de
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc
Emittent: Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG
Industriestraße 8
D-77704 Oberkirch
Telefon: +49(0)7802 84-0
Email: info@progress-werk.de
WWW: http://www.progress-werk.de
Branche: Auto
ISIN: DE0006968001
Börsen: Freiverkehr: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
Regulierter Markt/Prime Standard: Frankfurt
Sprache: Deutsch
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