Who Dares to Simulate Wins! - At Intersolar Europe Munich 2012 Valentin Software will present its brand new program versions PV*SOL basic and T*SOL basic.
Geschrieben am 06-06-2012 |
Berlin (ots) - At this year's Intersolar Europe in Munich (June
13-15, 2012) the brand new programmes PV*SOL® basic und T*SOL® basic
will be introduced to visitors at the Valentin Software stand in Hall
B2, Booth 461. They are the new simulation program sprinters for the
design of solar systems for single and two-family houses. Both
programs are especially suitable for planners, installers, energy
consultants and architects, making it possible to produce a quick
presentation of the respective solar system, complete with a yield
prognosis and financial analysis.
On the morning of Wednesday, June 13 a special product launch of
both programmes will take place in Conference Room B22 in Hall B2 -
PV*SOL® basic will be presented at 10.00 am and T*SOL® basic at 11.00
As part of this year's Innovation Exchange, PV*SOL® basic will
also be presented on Friday, June 15 at 1.00 pm in Hall B3, Booth
At the Valentin Software Booth B2.461 there will be a selection of
daily live planning sessions:
Wednesday, June13 at 2.30 pm - PV*SOL® basic (in English) On
Thursday and Friday at 11.00 am and 2.30 pm - PV*SOL® Pro/Expert and
T*SOL® Pro (German and English)
The prize draw for the popular dynamic simulation programs PV*SOL®
Pro, T*SOL® Pro und GeoT*SOL® basic will take place directly after
the live planning sessions on each afternoon.
PR: Denise Dawes * Dr. Valentin EnergieSoftware GmbH * Stralauer
Platz 34 * 10243 Berlin * Germany *
Tel.: + 49 (0)30 588 439 - 0 * Fax: + 49 (0)30 588 439 - 11 *
dd@valentin.de * www.valentin.de
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