Resolute Forest Products Now World's Largest Manager of Forest Stewardship Council® Certified Forests
Geschrieben am 13-06-2012 |
Toronto And Montreal (ots/PRNewswire) -
Resolute Forest Products and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are
pleased to announce that Resolute has become the largest manager of
Forest Stewardship Council(R) (FSC(R)) certified forests in the
The Company recently certified 3.2 million hectares (7.9 million
acres) of forestlands in the Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec to the
FSC Boreal Standard. This certification raises the total area of
Resolute-managed FSC-certified forests in North America to 10.3
million hectares (25.6 million acres), an area twice the size of Nova
Scotia and larger than Portugal, Hungary or South Korea.
"Becoming the world's largest FSC holder is a major milestone in
our efforts to become a positive force for sustainability within the
forest products industry," stated Richard Garneau, Resolute's
President and Chief Executive Officer. "Resolute's growing commitment
to FSC complements other key sustainability initiatives, including
the Company's membership in WWF's Climate Savers Program, which helps
companies set and achieve ambitious emission reduction targets, as
well as membership in the landmark Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement."
FSC is an international certification and labelling system
dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests.
Co-founded in Canada by WWF in 1993, FSC works to promote
environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically
viable management of the world's forests. FSC is an important example
of how environmental organizations and businesses can work together
to conserve important regions and wildlife while ensuring long-term
success for industry.
"WWF congratulates Resolute for their FSC-certification
achievement," said Gerald Butts, President and Chief Executive
Officer, WWF-Canada. "This success, coupled with their commitment to
the Climate Savers program, shows the value and importance of making
conservation a business priority, and the critical role that
corporations can and must play in addressing the major environmental
challenges we are facing today."
Under the WWF Climate Savers Program, Resolute has pledged to
reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent below 2000
levels by 2015. Resolute also made a series of other commitments as
part of its Climate Savers membership, including increasing its FSC
certification to 80 percent by 2015. With the latest certification,
Resolute has passed the halfway point in delivering on its 80 percent
"Resolute Forest Products has long played an important role in
the Ontario forest products industry. Certainly this is a tremendous
milestone for Resolute and we are proud of their ongoing commitment
to sustainable forest management practices," stated Michael Gravelle,
Ontario Minister of Natural Resources. "I want to personally
congratulate all the employees of Resolute on this accomplishment,
and I look forward to continuing our close working relationship with
the Company as we strengthen the sector together."
Resolute will continue working to protect the forests entrusted
to its care and to improve its overall sustainability performance,
enhancing its reputation as an environmental supplier of choice.
Resolute is committed to the three pillars of sustainability -
environmental, social and economic.
Resolute Forest Products previously operated as AbitibiBowater.
Information about the certifications can be found at under the name AbiBow. The most recent
certification is under license code FSC(R) C108950.
WWF is creating solutions to the most serious conservation
challenges facing our planet, helping people and nature thrive
( WWF Climate Savers was founded in 1999 to engage
businesses in establishing ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets
and voluntarily and creatively working to reduce emissions. Leading
corporations have established ambitious targets to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions voluntarily. By increasing efficiency,
Climate Savers companies are saving hundreds of millions of dollars,
proving that protecting the environment is sound business practice
Resolute Forest Products is a global leader in the forest
products industry with a diverse range of products, including
newsprint, commercial printing papers, market pulp and wood products.
The Company owns or operates 21 pulp and paper mills and 22 wood
products facilities in the United States, Canada and South Korea.
Marketing its products in more than 90 countries, Resolute has
third-party certified 100% of its managed woodlands to sustainable
forest management standards. The shares of Resolute Forest Products
trade under the stock symbol RFP on both the New York Stock Exchange
and the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Resolute and other member companies of the Forest Products
Association of Canada, as well as a number of environmental
organizations, are partners in the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement.
The group works to identify solutions to conservation issues that
meet the goal of balancing equally the three pillars of
sustainability linked to human activities: environmental, social and
economic. Resolute is also a member of the World Wildlife Fund's
Climate Savers program, in which businesses establish ambitious
targets to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work
aggressively toward achieving them.
For further information:
Riannon John
Communications Specialist
Resolute Forest Products
Seth Kursman
Vice President, Corporate Communications,
Sustainability and Government Affairs
ots Originaltext: Resolute Forest Products Inc.
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