SynaptiQ software now continuously monitors over 1000 PV parks in 10 countries
Geschrieben am 14-06-2012 |
Brussels (ots) - After just two years, 3E's advanced monitoring
service, SynaptiQ, is already connected to over 500 MW in ten
countries, including France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Belgium and the
Czech Republic. It is delivering continuous monitoring from over
15,000 inverters, hundreds of sensors and other data sources. It
communicates 24/7 every 15 minutes, via Ethernet, GPRS and satellite.
The priorities of the solar PV market are rapidly shifting from a
focus on capacity expansion (new projects) to improving the
monitoring, reporting and performance of existing project portfolios.
SynaptiQ has been specifically designed to be the world's most
comprehensive, plug & play software platform for renewable energy. It
provides independent monitoring, reporting and O&M management for any
park, even those built with different component brands.
SynaptiQ has been developed by 3E integrating models and tools
developed over 10 years of technical advisory expertise in solar PV.
The software has evolved to solve common issues encountered by PV
park operators and focuses on meeting their needs.
SynaptiQ Solar is an essential toolbox for asset managers,
operators and investors in solar power, providing intelligent and
fast diagnostics capabilities and fully on-demand reporting, all in
one. Wouter Hendrickx, O&M Manager at Oskomera Solar Power Solutions,
confirmed that "Now we are ready for O&M". He added "SynaptiQ
collects data from different sources and combines them into one
reliable portal".
The O&M manager of another client active throughout Europe,
Enfinity, explained that "SynaptiQ enables [his team] to identify the
possible root cause of problems upfront, [making them] up to 5 times
more efficient in identifying problems".
The latest features of SynaptiQ will be presented at the 3E booth
at Intersolar, B4-354. For more information or to arrange a meeting,
please contact us.
SynaptiQ has been developed by 3E, a technical advisory and
consultancy firm, specialised in renewable energy project guidance
and data analysis. The company focuses on delivering cost-efficient
solutions for project developers, investors and PV contractors to
optimise system performance.
For more information about SynaptiQ and 3E's PV expertise, please
Stanislava Velkova, Business Development and Marketing Officer, | | T +32 2 217 58 68
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