EANS-News: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft / Annual General Meeting of BAUER AG: Broad
consensus on slight reduction in dividend
Geschrieben am 28-06-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Dividend Announcements/Distribution/Annual & Special Corporate
Subtitle: • Dividend of EUR 0.50 per share passed • Group on a sound
footing; forecast confirmed • Prof. Thomas Bauer reports on past
financial year and looks to the future with confidence.
Schrobenhausen (euro adhoc) - The Annual General Meeting of
SDAX-listed international construction and equipment manufacturing
concern BAUER Aktiengesellschaft was held today. It was attended by
some 700 shareholders, shareholder representatives and guests at the
company's headquarters in Schrobenhausen.
The Annual General Meeting passed all the resolutions proposed by the
company's management by a large majority. One of the resolutions
passed was to pay a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share, slightly down
against the previous year (EUR 0.60). That represents a distribution
of some EUR 8.57 million to the company's shareholders. In the 2011
financial year the BAUER Group generated EBIT (earnings before
interest and taxes) of EUR 88.4 million from total Group revenues of
approximately EUR 1.372 million. The net profit for the period was
EUR 34.1 million.
In his report, Chairman of the Management Board Professor Thomas
Bauer reviewed what proved to be a troubled past year: "In 2011 the
political unrest in the Middle East, the earthquake, tsunami and
nuclear disaster in Japan and the resurgence of the financial crisis
all had a negative effect on our business. Our earnings were also
impacted by problems on a number of major projects." He warned also
of the great challenges facing policy-makers, business and society at
large: "The ongoing financial market, sovereign debt and Euro crises
will take the world a long time to overcome."
The current financial year has begun positively for the company's
Construction segment, with healthy levels of orders in hand. The
Resources segment, too, is expected to see strong growth in revenues.
Its earnings will remain depressed by a project in Jordan however. In
its Equipment segment, the BAUER Group continues to be hampered by
customers' reluctance to invest in new equipment. Professor Bauer
reaffirmed the company's forecast for the full year: total Group
revenues of EUR 1,450 million; EBIT of around EUR 85 million; and net
profit for the period of around EUR 35 million.
Professor Bauer was optimistic about the future of the BAUER Group:
"Our business is on a sound footing both strategically and
operationally, and has proved its strength over the past year. Thanks
to our international presence, our future-proof portfolio of
specialist services and our new products, we are well able to deal
with any external disturbances which may occur."
The results of the vote and the presentation by the Chairman of the
Management Board can be found in the Investor Relations section of
the company's website at www.bauer.de.
About Bauer
Bauer is a provider of services, machinery and ancillary products in
the earth-working and groundwater fields. The Group markets its
products and services all over the world. Its global spread allows it
to remain largely unaffected by fluctuating business cycles.
Its business is divided into three segments: Construction, Equipment
and Resources. The Construction segment carries out specialist
foundation engineering work for complex excavation pits and
foundations on major infrastructure and building projects all over
the world, installing retaining walls and carrying out ground
improvement works as well as providing related project development
services. Bauer's Equipment segment, a world market leader, offers a
comprehensive range of construction machinery, equipment and tools
for the specialist foundation engineering sector as well as for other
underground drilling operations, such as for mines, water wells,
geothermal energy sources, and oil and gas extraction. The Resources
segment bundles the Group's activities in the fields of water,
energy, mineral resources and environmental technology.
Bauer profits greatly from the collaboration between its three
separate segments, enabling the Group to position itself as an
innovative, highly specialized provider of complete solutions and
services for demanding projects on the specialist foundation
engineering and related markets.
Founded in 1790, Bauer today generates around three quarters of its
total revenues outside of Germany. Employing some 9,700 people, the
Group's total revenues in 2011 were approximately EUR 1.4 billion
(previous year: EUR 1.3 billion). BAUER Aktiengesellschaft has been
listed on the official market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since
July 4, 2006 (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005168108).
You can also visit us on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BAUERGruppe
Further inquiry note:
Christopher Wolf
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 8252 97 1797
E-Mail: christopher.wolf@bauer.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft
BAUER-Straße 1
D-86529 Schrobenhausen
phone: +49 (0)8252-97-1797
FAX: +49 (0)8252-97-2900
mail: investor.relations@bauer.de
WWW: http://www.bauer.de
sector: Construction & Property
ISIN: DE0005168108
indexes: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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