NTT Communications Extends Infrastructure into Italy to Meet Growing Customer Demand
Geschrieben am 03-07-2012 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
NTT Communications, part of the NTT Group, announced today it has
extended its Tier 1 Global IP Network into Milan, Italy, to meet
growing customer demands.
The new point of presence (PoP), in Infracom's Via Caldera data
center complex in Milan, is an important, strategic node for NTT
Communications' natural expansion into Central Europe. While the
extended infrastructure will provide a local PoP for customers in
this area, it also acts as an aggregation point for customers in the
wider areas such as the Middle Eastern region and Africa.
Clive Hamilton, Head of NTT Europe's Global IP Network business
unit says "Italy is a new market for NTT's IP services so it's an
exciting time - Milan is a key hub and the Infracom facility is best
positioned to provide connectivity to our customers. From a wider
perspective, it also acts as an aggregation point for the Middle East
and Africa so is a means of us reaching customers outside of Italy
and the wider internet community as well." Hamilton adds, "Last year,
we extended our network into the Balkans region, which has proved to
be a great success. This strategy of building POP's to get closer to
our customers will continue throughout the year.
Throughout 2011, NTT Communications opened six PoPs including
Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest and Sofia.
Massimo Lippi, General Director of Infracom, said, "We're
delighted to welcome NTT communications as a new partner into the
Caldera data centre, which we are sure would be a valuable support to
enhance NTT growth strategies in Italy. The Infracom Telehouse plays
a key role for over 120 ISPs and carriers presently hosted in the
Telehouse, providing direct interconnections to Italian and
international carriers operating on the Italian market."
About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security
and cloud services to optimize the information and communications
technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are
backed by the company's worldwide infrastructure, including IPv4/IPv6
Global Tier-1 IP Network, Arcstar Universal One(TM) VPN network
reaching over 150 countries, and over 120 secure data centers. NTT
Communications' solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group
companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.
For further information, please visit: | |
About Infracom Italia
Infracom is a leading Italian Telecommunication and Data Center
operator. Based in Verona with branches throughout Italy including
Milan, Florence and Rome, Infracom offers an extensive range of TLC
and IT services to over 10,000 clients. Infracom manages 4 data
centers in Northern and Southern Italy totaling more than 5,000 sqm
available floor; Milan data center is the largest with 3,000 sqm and
hosts Infracom Telehouse, one of the largest private Telehouse in
Europe, and a key access point to the Internet Backbone, directly
connected to the main Italian exchange points and to the AMSIX in
Amsterdam Infracom's assets include a 9,000 fiber optics Network and
cable link across Italy with Metropolitan Area Networks in 40 cities.
Infracom Italia is chosen as the provider for data center
services to NTT
Communications, the Japanese giant of
Infracom Italia is the chosen provider for data center services
for NTT Communications', the largest communications company in the
world, expansion into Italy.
Clive Hamilton, Head of NTT Europe's Global IP Network business
explains why Infracom Italia were chosen. " We have chosen Infracom
Italia because they ensure us a key position in the Italian
telecommunications market, but also because it links us into Europe,
Middle East and Africa.
Our new Point of Presence (PoP) is at the Infracom Telehouse in
Milan, the peering point located in Via Caldera and is a strategic
node of connectivity for NTT Communications to reach the European
market. Hamilton continues, "Italy is a new and busy market for us
and it's important we keep creating these new opportunities for
growth to our customers."
The partnership agreement is a big opportunity for Infracom.
Massimo Lippi, General Director of Infracom says about the
partnership, "This is an important opportunity for the entire Italian
and European market. Because of our key position in Italy and Europe,
our direct connection to all Italian operators and reach to all major
Italian cities and industrial districts, we were the obvious choice."
Lippi adds, "The Infracom Milan Center, Infracom Telehouse, has
continued to rapidly grow since 2001. It's the biggest Italian
Telehouse with 4.000 sq. ft, and it's a perfect ecosystem for major
ISPs and Telco Carrier Providers to interconnect to each other. The
Infracom Telehouse has more than 120 available networks and the
footprint and capacity will be doubled in the next months. It is
wholly managed and developed by Infracom, which means total control
and monitoring of the technical plants."
For further information, please contact:
Emma Crowe (Media Enquiries)
Marketing Communications Manager - EMEA
NTT Communications
ots Originaltext: NTT Communications Corporation
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