EANS-Adhoc: KTM AG / CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH publishes offer document
for the purchase of shares of KTM AG
Geschrieben am 04-07-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
- offer period: July 4, 2012 to July 18, 2012
- offer price: EUR 44 per share
Today CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH ("Offeror") has published the
takeover bid in relation to the mandatory bid as announced on 13 June
2012 for the purchase of shares of KTM AG (ISIN AT0000645403). The
mandatory bid is addressed to shareholders of KTM AG that are not
acting in concert with the Offeror and have not waived their right to
accept the offer. The offer price per share amounts to EUR 44. The
offer period starts on 4 July 2012 and ends on 18 July 2012.
The Offeror has decided to publish the offer document and the
confirmation of the independent expert pursuant to § 11/1a Austrian
Takeover Act (together the "Documents") in the form of a brochure.
The Documents are available during usual business hours free of
charge at the seat of the Offeror, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels, and
from the paying agent UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8,
1010 Vienna. The Documents are also available on the homepages of the
Austrian Takeover Commission (www.takeover.at), the Offeror
(www.cross-kfz.at) and KTM AG (http://company.ktm.com/).
Additional publications in relation to the takeover bid as well as
amendments to the takeover bid, if any, will be published immediately
in the Official Gazzette of Wiener Zeitung and on the homepages of
the Austrian Takeover Commission (www.takeover.at), the Offeror
(www.cross-kfz.at) and KTM AG (http://company.ktm.com/).
The management board and the supervisory board of KTM AG will publish
their statements pursuant to § 14 Austrian Takeover Act not later
than 12 July 2012. These statements will also be available on the
homepage of KTM AG (http://company.ktm.com/).
Further inquiry note:
Mag. Viktor Sigl MBA
Tel: +43 7742 6000 144
Mail to: viktor.sigl@ktm.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: KTM AG
Stallhofnerstraße 3
A-5230 Mattighofen
phone: +43(0)7742/6000-0
FAX: +43(0)7742/6000-5216
mail: ir@ktmpowersports.com
WWW: www.ktm.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: AT0000645403
indexes: mid market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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