EANS-News: USU's annual report 2011 receives LACP Platinum Award
Geschrieben am 10-07-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Annual Reports
Möglingen (euro adhoc) - The League of American Communications
Professionals (LACP) has honoured USU AG with a Vison Award in
Platinum in recognition of the company's 2011 annual report. USU's
report was ranked 31rd among about 5,500 companies from 24 countries.
LACP honors USU's 2011 annual report with a Platinum award in the
category "Software". What is more, the company received a silver
award in a separate category focusing the creativity.
The jury, which comprised of international communications experts,
awarded USU's publication with 99 out of a possible 100 points. USU
obtained the maximum score of 10 points in each category not only for
the assessment criterion Report Narrative but also for the Report
Cover, Creativity, Letter to Shareholders, Message Clarity, Report
Financials, and Information Accessibility.
Under the title "Wissen ist Menschlich", USU's 2011 annual report
outlines, that the success of the company is based on the knowledge
of the people.
"This year's annual report for USU Software AG proves to be
remarkable in light of tremendous competition. Overall, we find this
work to be outstanding, earning a total score of 99 out of a maximum
100 points. We classify this entry as being among the best annual
reports within its industry this year", said Christine Kennedy, LACP
Managing Director.
"This excellent result is extremely gratifying and shows that,
besides our technologies, our publications too satisfy the highest
quality standards," says Bernhard Oberschmidt, CEO of USU Software.
USU Software AG
The USU Group consists of USU Software AG as well as seven German and
foreign subsidiaries, including USU AG, Omega Software GmbH, LeuTek
GmbH, Aspera GmbH and USU Consulting GmbH.
For 30 years, the USU Group has offered its customers future-ready
application solutions, products and consultation focused on all
aspects of the knowledge business. The most important products
available from the Group are its own applications Valuemation and
KnowledgeCenter developed by USU AG, the products ZIS-System, ZISGUI
and ZISSLM from LeuTek as well as INSEL software from Omega.
Valuemation provides customers with a comprehensive overview of their
IT processes and IT infrastructure. It allows them to transparently
chart, track, allocate and actively manage their IT costs. Through
its connection with LeuTek Products, USU can also offer monitoring,
visualization, automation and control of all systems and processes
necessary for IT operations. More than 500 customers now use
Valuemation to manage over 30 million IT assets.
With its KnowledgeCenter technology, USU leverages all the knowledge
within an organization by means of an integrated search and
navigation system or a portal solution. Each and every day, call and
service centers use it to provide individualized answers to over
10,000 problems and inquiries. These responses help company
departments such as quality assurance, production and sales to
accelerate their core processes and, by extension, their quality.
The parent company of the USU Group, USU Software AG (ISIN
DE000A0BVU28), is listed in the Prime Standard segment of the German
Stock Exchange in Frankfurt. Weitere Informationen:
Further inquiry note:
Gerick Thomas
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: USU Software AG
D-71696 Möglingen
phone: +49 (0)7141 4867 0
FAX: +49 (0)7141 4867 20
mail: investor@usu-software.de
WWW: http://www.usu-software.de
sector: Software
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
regulated dealing: Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language: English
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