
Cryo-Save Arabia now U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Registered

Geschrieben am 10-07-2012

Zutphen, The Netherlands (ots/PRNewswire) -

Cryo-Save Arabia's lab, located in Dubai, is now U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) registered for autologous and
family-related use of umbilical cord blood stem cells. This important
accreditation confirms again the quality and high standards that are
key to Cryo-Save.

It is with great excitement that Cryo-Save Arabia, subsidiary of
Europe's leading family stem cell bank, has once again proven its
quality and high standards in stem cell cryopreservation by receiving
the FDA registration.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a very strict approach
to control the recovery, processing, storage, labeling, packaging and
distribution of human cells and tissue-based products. Any registered
establishments that provide cord blood products are subject to FDA
inspection. The onsite assessment ensures that they are complying
with the regulations designed to help guarantee the safety of
processing cord blood and donor eligibility.

Mai Ibrahim, Lab Director of Cryo-Save Dubai, says "The U.S. FDA
registration is great news for us, but also for our clients. It will
assure them that we have disclosed all information about our company.
We are determined to continue our commitment to the highest quality
standards and thereby provide the best services to our customers."

"We can be proud of the scientific experts operating in our
laboratories. Once again, they have shown excellence in the quality
of their work. Cryo-Save fairly deserves such accreditations as our
foundation relies first on our professionalism," added Arnoud van
Tulder, CEO of Cryo-Save Group.

Cryo-Save Group has been active in the stem cell industry for
more than 12 years. In its continuous efforts to reach and exceed
internationally high standards, the company guarantees that all of
its labs meet the highest quality criteria and are properly
accredited. In addition to the American Association of Blood Banks
(AABB) accreditation, the FDA record adds another milestone to
Cryo-Save's dedication to stem cell cryopreservation techniques and


Cryo-Save, the leading international family stem cell bank,
stores more than 200,000 samples from umbilical cord blood, cord
tissue and adipose tissue. There are already many diseases treatable
by the use of stem cells, and the number of treatments will only
increase. Driven by its international business strategy, Cryo-Save is
now represented in over 40 countries on three continents, with
ultra-modern processing and storage facilities in Arabia, Belgium,
Germany, India and South Africa.

ots Originaltext: Cryo-Save AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

More information: Ashley Ringger - Marketing Project Manager,
ashley.ringger@cryo-save.com - tel. +41-55-222-0251


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