
After a good second quarter Gerresheimer raises its revenue forecast again

Geschrieben am 11-07-2012

Düsseldorf (ots) -

- Cross reference: Press release including tables is available at
http://www.presseportal.de/dokumente -

- Group revenues rise 10.3 percent to EUR 314.0m in Q2 2012
- Adjusted EBITDA increases by 4.3 percent to EUR 58.6m
- Net income rises to EUR 17.4m and EPS to EUR 0.51
- Revenue forecast raised from 7 to 8 percent to 9 to 10
percent at constant exchange rates
- Expected investment volume rises from around EUR 100m to
around EUR 120m

The robust revenue growth trend continues at Gerresheimer AG, one
of the world's leading partners of the pharma and healthcare
industry. "Our revenues continued to develop very positively in the
second quarter of 2012. This growth is being achieved in the emerging
markets with standard glass and plastic pharmaceutical packaging
products and in the established markets with sophisticated products
for drug dosage and administration. Since we expect the growth trend
to continue in the second six months of the year we increase our
revenue forecast for 2012 again and are planning substantial
investments in these growth markets," said Uwe Röhrhoff, CEO of
Gerresheimer AG.

Gerresheimer has experienced above average growth in revenues in
the second quarter of the 2012 financial year (December 1, 2011 to
November 30, 2012) of 10.3 percent to EUR 314.0m. At constant
exchange rates growth in revenues was 8.1 percent. All divisions
contributed to this positive development. South America was one of
the strongest regions. Here growth in revenues from plastic
containers for tablets, powders, eye drops, nose sprays and other
liquid drugs was exceptionally high. Our business with medical
plastic systems, such as insulin pen systems and diagnostic
instruments, also delivered very solid results. Demand for pre-
fillable glass syringes has also developed positively. Revenues from
engineering and tools for our product pipeline also made a positive
impact on revenue.

Gerresheimer's adjusted EBITDA was EUR 58.6m in the second quarter
of 2012, which is 4.3 percent higher than the prior year figure. The
adjusted EBITDA margin was 18.7 percent in the second quarter (prior
year 19.8 percent). Net income after tax increased to EUR 17.4m,
which is EUR 4.1m higher than the prior quarter figure. Second
quarter earnings per share of EUR 0.51 were EUR 0.13 higher than one
year ago.

"Our medical plastic systems order book and project pipeline are
looking very good at the moment and we will continue to increase our
production capacity in this segment. New production facilities are
already being constructed at our plants in Pfreimd in Germany and in
Horsovsky Tyn in the Czech Republic. And we are already planning the
next-but-one extension of our Czech production facility. We will also
be investing in our new pharmaceutical glass container plant in India
over the coming months. I'm confident that the groundwork we are
laying today will take us forward into a very positive future,"
commented Uwe Röhrhoff.


In light of the sustained positive development of our business
operations and the positive outlook, particularly in the Plastic
Systems and Tubular Glass divisions, Gerresheimer is now expecting
revenue growth of 9 to 10 percent in the 2012 financial year,
assuming that the exchange rates remain constant. This is an upward
revision by two percentage points. The company's operating margin
(adjusted EBITDA margin) forecast is still 19.5 percent. A high order
volume in the Plastic Systems division led to the company's decision
to increase its 2012 investment budget from approximately EUR 100m to
around EUR 120m.

You can read the online annual report at:

Gerresheimer AG
Benrather Strasse 18 - 20
40213 Düsseldorf Germany

Jens Kürten
Director Corporate Communication & Marketing
Telephone +49 211 6181-250
Fax +49 211 6181-241
E-Mail j.kuerten@gerresheimer.com Internet


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