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EANS-Adhoc: a.i.s. AG / Company further on track

Geschrieben am 16-07-2012

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

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Despite difficult trading conditions, a.i.s. AG could in the second
quarter substantially strengthen its position on the market. Sales
performance could, after a good first quarter, improve by the end of
June to 18.72 M EUR. To insure its stability the company is actually
in long term negotiations of contracts of commodities.

In addition, the technical requirements for energy trading in
electricity and gas have been created, enabling a.i.s. AG to trade
formally in both sources now. Based on these additional future sales
activities, we would see to increase business, in addition to
commodity trade, by mitigating company's risk by a too strong
dependence on potential sales weaknesses of the German market. As
previously announced, we will establish the focus of energy trading
in another location, where Berlin is first considered. A final
decision is still pending.

Further improvements of funding efforts for the in the energy supply
and disposal technology is to be mentioned. The negotiations show a
positive trend. These project activities through partnerships are
still to be seen as sustainable distribution measures, which will
give the company a long-term stability.

With regard to the financial publications of 2011 we could gain a new
auditor in April who was only confirmed end of May by the court.
Balances of 2011 and the 2012 Mid-year review will so far suffer from
a slight delay in processing. Because of the long term past
development, it requires thorough analysis, which will take several
weeks more to complete. We assume that we can publish the two
accounts within the next 6 weeks.

However this also leads to delays in the scheduled shareholders
meeting. We assume, however, that this will be announced in the
coming weeks. After immediate release balance 2011, the date will be
published for yearly meeting. We expect this no later than September.
This unintentional delay was not planned, however, cannot be
performed earlier due to legal reasons.

end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== a.i.s. AG is, due to the
combination of supply and disposal, one of the few companies on the
market, promoting future environmentally friendly energy generation
of power generation from waste and renewable products, it´s energy
conversion and sales of such combined systems.

Further inquiry note:
Hans Bendien
Tel.: +49 (0)6201 393895
E-Mail: h.bendien@ais-ag.info

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: a.i.s. AG
Auf der Aue 9
D-69488 Birkenau
phone: +49 (0)6201 393895
FAX: +49 (0)6201 393896
mail: h.bendien@aes-ag.eu
WWW: http://www.ais-ag.info
sector: Energy
ISIN: DE0006492903
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated
dealing/general standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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