
Routes Asia Heads to Sarawak in 2014

Geschrieben am 24-07-2012

Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

It was announced today that in 2014 Routes Asia will return to
Malaysia when the event takes place in Kuching, the capital of the
Malaysian state of Sarawak, jointly hosted by Sarawak Tourism Board
and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad.

This will be the fifth time that a Routes event has taken place
in Malaysia. In 2003 the first Routes Asia event, also the first ever
Routes regional event, was held in Sepang hosted by Malaysia Airports
Holdings Berhad who went on to host Routes Asia for the following two
years and World Routes 2008 in Kuala Lumpur. Since these early days
Routes Asia has gone from strength to strength welcoming 672
delegates in Chengdu earlier this year.

Sarawak, known as the Land of the Hornbills, is the largest of
the Malaysian states and is situated on the island of Borneo. Home to
the world's oldest tropical rainforests it is abundant in wildlife
including rare and endangered species such as the orang utan and the
hornbill. The historic capital city of Kuching has a population of
around 600,000 and dates back hundreds of years when traders from
China and the West would travel there to trade the exotic treasures
of the rainforest. Today Kuching remains the central hub and gateway
to Sarawak.

"We are delighted that Routes Asia will be in Sarawak in 2014,"
Said David Stroud, Executive Vice President, UBM Aviation Routes
continuing: "Our regional events began in Malaysia almost 10 years
ago and once again the passion and commitment of the airport and
stakeholders impressed our selection team. Sarawak though will offer
delegates an experience like no other, a real 'once in a lifetime'
location unlike any place we have ever held a Routes event. A
stunning choice for the 12th Routes Asia event."

Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad, Managing Director of Malaysia Airports
Holdings Berhad commented: " We are delighted and honoured that
Routes Asia will once again reach the shores of Malaysia in 2014 but
this time to the majestic and enthralling city of Kuching, Sarawak.
Malaysia Airports looks forward to partner with the State of Sarawak
in ensuring a greatly successful forum which will be productive and
fondly remembered by all delegates."

Minister of Tourism Sarawak, Honourable Datuk Amar Zohari said:
"Routes coming into Sarawak for the first time will mean a great
tourism boost as it will gives us the opportunity to showcase our
unique attractions to the aviation and tourism industry and above all
to tell the world that Kuching, Sarawak is capable and ever ready of
holding any big congress of any nature that otherwise was not known
to many."

Air transport to Sarawak is served by four major airports;
Kuching International Airport, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri Airports and as
the region has frequent air links from major aviation hubs Kuching is
one of the most accessible cities in Malaysia. Flights to Kuching are
available from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which is served by
more than 50 carriers, Singapore and Jakarta amongst others.

Sarawak received 3.8 million visitors in 2011 and number which it
anticipates will increase in 2012. This promises potential new
business opportunities, jobs and above all route potential.

Notes to Editors

About Routes

Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking
events through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each
year, there is one global event and one regional event in Asia,
Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS respectively.

All destinations and Hosts of Routes Asia Events are listed

Sepang, Malaysia, 2003, hosted by Malaysia Airports [http://www.
routesonline.com/airports/8/kl-international-airport/9/facilities ]

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia hosted by for 2 years in 2004-2005

Pattaya, Thailand, 9-11 April 2006, hosted by Airports of
Thailand Public Company Limited

Hainan, China, 25-27 March 2007, hosted by Hainan Meilan
International Airport

Macau, China, 11-13 April 2008, hosted by Macau International

Hyderabad, India 29-31 March 2009, hosted by Hyderabad Rajiv
Gandhi International Airport

(GMR Group).

Adelaide, Australia 18-20 April 2010, hosted by Adelaide Airport

Incheon, South Korea 27-29 March 2011, hosted by Incheon
International Airport Corporation

Chengdu, China 15-17 April 2012, hosted by Chengdu Shuangliu
International Airport (CDIA)

Mumbai, India 17-19 March 2013, hosted by Mumbai International
Airport Pvt. Ltd

Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK?based ASM
Ltd., a consultancy specialising in the field of route development
for airports. http://www.asm?global.com
[http://www.asm%E2%80%90global.com ]

Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in
August 2010. Routes is a UBM Aviation brand. UBM Aviation specialises
in the supply of data and information products, market intelligence,
news and events related to the global aviation industry. More
information can be found at http://www.ubmaviation.com

Follow us on twitter:

ots Originaltext: UBM Aviation Routes Ltd
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further press information please contact: Victoria Jones, PR
Executive, UBM Aviation Routes Limited, T: +44(0)161-234-2730, E:


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