Trion Worlds and Crytek to Join Forces for the Highly Anticipated Warface® in the West / AAA Free-to-Play Social First Person Shooter to be offered through GFACE®
Geschrieben am 26-07-2012 |
Redwood Shores, CA and Frankfurt, Germany (ots) - Leading premium
online games company Trion Worlds and Crytek announced today they
will co-publish and co-operate the award-winning online first- person
shooter (FPS) Warface® in North America, Europe, Turkey, Australia
and New Zealand, through GFACE® powered by the Trion platform.
"Trion is the company spearheading a revolution in gaming through
delivering premium online games across big genres powered by a
proven, cutting edge platform," said Cevat Yerli, CEO and founder of
Crytek. "The combination of this platform, GFACE and Warface shows
Crytek's commitment to finding innovative new ways to bring superior
gaming experiences and AAA titles to gamers. That's why we are
creating strong strategic alliances with the best online publishers
across the world."
"Crytek has repeatedly proven their foresight and they are doing
that again by leading the shift towards delivering high-quality,
free-to-play, online games," Dr. Lars Buttler, CEO and founder, Trion
Worlds, said. "We are very impressed with Warface and Crytek's
commitment to polished gameplay, amazing graphics, technical
excellence, and real innovation. We very much feel that we are
kindred companies and stand strong together."
Currently live in Russia, and boasting more than two million
registered users, Warface recently won Best Game and Best Graphics at
the Russian KRI Awards after breaking player concurrency records
within four weeks of its launch.
Warface is a vast online universe, set in the near future. The
game offers a cinematic experience with next gen visuals, AI and
physics based on Crytek's proprietary CryENGINE® 3 game development
solution. Warface provides gamers with a constantly updated extensive
PVE (player versus environment) universe full of dramatic multiplayer
co-op missions, a full set of class based PVP (player versus player)
and will be available for PC via Crytek's Free2Play social platform
Warface is an original Crytek game, developed by Crytek Kiev and
co- produced by Crytek Frankfurt.
Trion's platform, codenamed Red Door, was announced Fall 2011, and
is a full-scale publishing and development solution for premium
online games, enabling unprecedented flexibility and control for game
monetization teams, ideal for the free-to-play model. The platform
offers a sophisticated server architecture and proprietary toolsets
positioned to radically speed up the time-to-market for developers
who want to create the next generation of AAA games for connected
About Trion Worlds
Trion Worlds is the leading publisher and developer of premium
games for the connected era. Powered by a breakthrough development
and publishing platform, Trion is revolutionizing the way games are
developed, played and sold. Trion's world-class team delivers high-
quality, dynamic, and massively social games operated as live
services across the biggest game genres and devices, including the
critically acclaimed blockbuster, Rift and the highly-anticipated End
of Nations and Defiance. Trion is headquartered in Redwood City,
Calif., with offices in San Diego, Calif., Austin, Texas, and at
Trion Worlds Europe in London, UK.
For more information, please visit
About Crytek
Crytek GmbH ("Crytek") is an independent company at the forefront
of the interactive entertainment industry, and is dedicated to
pushing the boundaries of gaming by creating standout experiences for
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, mobile devices and games-as-service
using their cutting-edge 3D-Game-Technology, CryENGINE®. The
company's headquarters are in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Crytek
also has studios in Kiev (Ukraine), Budapest (Hungary), Sofia
(Bulgaria), Seoul (South Korea) Nottingham (UK) and Shanghai (China).
Since its foundation in 1999, Crytek has consistently been recognized
for excellence in its field, earning accolades such as the 2011
Develop Award for Best Independent Studio and a 2010 Red Dot Design
Award. Its multi-award winning games include Far Cry®, Crysis®
(awarded best PC Game of E3 2007 and Best Technology at the 2008 Game
Developers Choice Awards), Crysis Warhead® (awarded Best Graphics
Technology at IGN Best of 2008 Awards) and Crysis® 2 (awarded Best
Shooter of E3 2010 and Gamescom 2010).
For more information, please visit
Katie Uhlman
Trion Worlds
+1 650-394-1240
Jens Schaefer
+49 69 21 977 6671
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