New Annual US$3 Million Fundamental Physics Prize Recognizes Transformative Advances in the Field
Geschrieben am 31-07-2012 |
Moscow (ots/PRNewswire) -
Inaugural nine recipients of the Prize receive US$27
million in aggregate,
all of whom agree to form a Selection Committee to award
future prizes
The Milner Foundation announces today the launch of the
Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation
("Foundation") dedicated to advancing our knowledge of the Universe
at the deepest level by awarding annual prizes for scientific
breakthroughs, as well as communicating the excitement of fundamental
physics to the public.
Two categories of prizes will be awarded for past achievements in
the field of fundamental physics, with the aim of providing the
recipients with more freedom and opportunity to pursue even greater
future accomplishments. The Fundamental Physics Prize recognizes
transformative advances in the field, while the New Horizons in
Physics Prizes are targeted at promising junior researchers.
All prize recipients are invited to present public talks targeted
at a broad audience, on subjects ranging from the basics of modern
physics to cutting-edge research. These lectures, together with
supporting materials, will be made available to the public, allowing
them to keep abreast of the latest developments in fundamental
physics, guided by contemporary masters of the field.
In its inaugural year, the Milner Foundation has awarded nine
Fundamental Physics Prizes and the recipients are:
- Nima Arkani-Hamed
- Alan Guth
- Alexei Kitaev
- Maxim Kontsevich
- Andrei Linde
- Juan Maldacena
- Nathan Seiberg
- Ashoke Sen
- Edward Witten
All the recipients have agreed to serve on the Selection
Committee of the Foundation to select recipients of future prizes.
The Foundation announces also that Steven Weinberg, Nobel Prize
in Physics laureate, has agreed to join its Board of Directors. Mr.
Weinberg did not participate in the process of selecting prize
Yuri Milner commented:
"I am delighted to announce the launch of the Fundamental Physics
Prize and welcome its first recipients. I hope the new prize will
bring long overdue recognition to the greatest minds working in the
field of fundamental physics, and if this helps encourage young
people to be inspired by science, I will be deeply gratified."
About the Prize
- The prizes are given annually by the Foundation for accomplishments in
fundamental physics broadly defined, including advances in closely related fields with
deep connections to physics
- Fundamental Physics Prize - US$3,000,000
- New Horizons in Physics Prize - US$100,000
- Should recognize major achievements, with special attention to recent
- No age restrictions
- Can be shared by any number of people
- Can be received more than once
- Anyone can nominate a candidate online
- All submissions must be completed by a third party
- Past recipients of the Fundamental Physics Prize are invited to serve on
the Selection Committee to select recipients of future prizes
- In exceptional cases a special Fundamental Physics Prize can be awarded at
any time, forgoing the nomination process
Information on the Fundamental Physics Prize is available at:
About Yuri Milner
The Milner Foundation, established by Internet investor Yuri
Milner, is dedicated to science and technology causes. Yuri graduated
from Moscow State University in 1985 with an advanced degree in
theoretical physics and subsequently conducted research at the
Institute of Physics in the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Media Contact
Leonid Solovyev
ots Originaltext: Milner Foundation
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