EANS-Adhoc: Polytec Holding AG / Half Year Financial Report 2012
Geschrieben am 08-08-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
6-month report
Results of the Group
Sales of POLYTEC GROUP in the first half 2012 attained with EUR 242.9
mill., adjusted by the effect from the disposal of the Interior
Systems business, the previous year's level. Compared with reported
Group sales a decline of 40.1% was registered. The European
automotive industry showed a solid development thanks to the
favorable performance of premium car manufacturers. In contrast, the
commercial vehicle segment reported a decline in sales of EUR 20.9
million in the period under review compared to the first half of
2011. This decline in sales is due to both a weak economic
environment and the technology switch from SMC (Composites) to
injection molding resulting in a decline of follow-up orders. This
drop in sales was offset by the positive development of the
automotive sector outlined above and, in addition, by the favorable
performance of the non-automotive business. Group EBIT declined by
50.5% to EUR 14.4 million in the period under review compared to the
same period in the previous year. This decline is largely
attributable to the deconsolidation gain of EUR 7.2 million and the
contribution of the divested Interior-Systems business of EUR 2.8 to
group EBIT in the first half of 2011. On a comparable basis, i.e.
adjusted for these effects and for a further deconsolidation gain of
EUR 0.6 million resulting from the disposal of the Zaragoza site at
the beginning of 2012, Group EBIT declined by roughly EUR 5 million
in the period under review. This corresponds to an EBIT margin
adjusted for one-off effects of 5.7% in the first half of 2012.
With regard to the further course of business in 2012, the
Manage-ment of POLYTEC Holding expects a stable development. Provided
that general framework conditions do not deteriorate further against
the backdrop of the European sovereign debt crisis, group sales and
earnings in the second half of 2012 are expected to match the level
of the first half-year. Thus, the outlook for full-year sales and
earnings was revised downward compared to the previously published
forecast 2012.
EURO mill Q2 2012 Q2 2011 CHANGE IN % H1 2012 H1 2011 CHANGE IN %
Sales 119.5 204.6 -41.6% 242.9 405.4 -40.1%
EBITDA 1) 8.9 17.6 -49.4% 21.1 32.8 -35.6%
EBIT 1) 5.5 12.5 -56.0% 13.8 21.8 -36.7%
Net income 4.6 17.9 -74.3% 12.2 25.8 -52.7%
EBITDA margin (adjusted) 7.4% 8.6% 8.4% 8.1%
EBIT margin (adjusted) 4.6% 6.1% 5.7% 5.4%
Earnings per share (in EUR) 0.20 0.80 0.53 1.14
1)Earnings figures for der periods Q2 2011 and H1 2011 are adjusted
by the he one off gain of EUR 7.2 mill. resulting from the
deconsolidation from the Interior Systems business by the end oft he
first half 2011. Earnings figures for der period H1 2012 are adjusted
by the he one off gain of EUR 0.6 mill. resulting from the
deconsolidation from the Zaragoza plant in the first quarter 2012
The report is available for download on www.polytec-group.com
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Polytec Holding AG
Polytec Strasse 1
A-4063 Hörsching
phone: +43 (0) 7221 / 701-0
FAX: +43 (0) 7221 / 701-0
mail: investor.relations@polytec-group.com
WWW: www.polytec-group.com
sector: Industrial Components
ISIN: AT0000A00XX9
indexes: ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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weitere Artikel:
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Holding AG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ad-hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
Der Umsatz der POLYTEC GROUP erreichte im ersten Halbjahr 2012 mit
242,9 Mio. EUR das um den Effekt aus der Veräusserung des Bereichs
Interior Systems bereinigte Niveau des Vorjahres. mehr...
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Anleihen und Übernahmen von Gewährleistungen gemäß § 30e Abs. 1, Nr. 2 WpHG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sonstige Kapitalmarktinformationen übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel
einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
ISIN: DE000LB99996
Valutadatum: 08.08.2012
Emissionsvolumen: 17.325.000 EURO
Endfälligkeit: 07.01.2019
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Am Hauptbahnhof 2
70173 Stuttgart
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- EANS-Hinweisbekanntmachung: OMV Aktiengesellschaft / Halbjahresfinanzbericht --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hinweisbekanntmachung für Finanzberichte übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit
dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
Hiermit gibt die OMV Aktiengesellschaft bekannt, dass folgende Finanzberichte
veröffentlicht werden:
Bericht: Halbjahresfinanzbericht
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 08.08.2012
Veröffentlichungsort : http://www.omv.com/investor-relations/quarterly-results mehr...
- EANS-Tip Announcement: OMV Aktiengesellschaft / Half Yearly Report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The
issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The company OMV Aktiengesellschaft is declaring the following financial reports
Report Type: Half Yearly Report
Publication Date : 08.08.2012
Publication Location: http://www.omv.com/investor-relations/quarterly-results mehr...
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