GALA SPA AWARDS 2013: application phase now open / Innovative concepts and products can be submit to the GALA SPA AWARDS / Belgium and Poland can take part for the first time
Geschrieben am 15-08-2012 |
Hamburg (ots) - Fantastic spa locations and luxury hotels,
innovative beauty products, and extraordinary treatments are once
again being sought for the GALA SPA AWARDS, which are awarded by
premium people and lifestyle magazine GALA in cooperation with
Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa. Companies from 29 countries can now submit
their unique care products and locations for consideration in the
most important international beauty and spa awards by September 28,
2012. Companies from Belgium and Poland will be able to take part in
the competition for the first time this year.
Applicants can submit the required documents via for one of seven categories: Luxury Concepts,
Innovation Concepts, Cult Concepts, Men Concepts, Treatment Concepts,
Luxury Hotel City/Resort, and Innovative Spa Concepts. Applications
can only be submitted online. Additional awards include the "Beauty
Idol" and "Special Prize" which are awarded to outstanding
The prestigious judging panel includes GALA editor-in-chief Peter
Lewandowski, Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa director Frank Marrenbach,
stylist and publisher Armin Morbach and television host Sylvie van
der Vaart, as well as other international spa experts.
"We are delighted to be able to honor the most innovative and
outstanding spa and beauty concepts again next year, and are looking
forward to receiving exciting applications," says GALA
editor-in-chief and jury member, Peter Lewandowski.
The 17th GALA SPA AWARDS will be awarded in Baden-Baden on March
16, 2013. As part of a glamorous ceremony attended by well-known
guests, a range of care products, hotels, and spas that meet the
requirements of the sanus per aquam (= health through water) concept
and stand out due to an outstanding innovative performance will be
honored. A special highlight of the evening will be the announcement
of the winner of the "Beauty Idol" award, an award for a celebrity
who stands out due to his or her positive attitude to life and
lifestyle in accordance with the spa concept, and who has a special
aura. "Beauty Idol" award winners from recent years include Julie
Delpy, Karolina Kurkova, and Alek Wek, among others.
Your contact for all product categories is Saskia Stindl, phone
+49-40-3703-5225, e-mail: For further
information about the spa categories, please contact Katrin Rösche,
phone +49-40-3703-4127, e-mail:
Details concerning the application and the GALA SPA AWARDS 2013
are available at
The GALA SPA AWARDS, which were established in 1996, is one of the
most important beauty and spa awards in the world. Only first-class
care products and hotels or locations that meet the holistic
requirements of the GALA SPA AWARDS are honored. The jury comprises
the following members: television hosts Sylvie van der Vaart and
Susann Atwell, Chairman of the European Spa Academy (ESA) Prof. Dr.
Heinz Kroehl, dermatologist and professor of cosmetics sciences Prof.
Dr. med. Martina Kerscher, CEO Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa Frank
Marrenbach, stylist and publisher Armin Morbach, GALA editor-in-chief
Peter Lewandowski, head of the GALA beauty department Frie Kicherer
and GALA beauty editor and spa expert Ariane Häusler.
PR / Communication
Andrea Wagner
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG
Phone +49-40-3703-2980
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