World's Major Airlines Head to Abu Dhabi for World Routes
Geschrieben am 20-08-2012 |
Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -
Over 450 airline planners representing 250 airlines are now
registered for the 18th World Route Development Forum which will take
place from 29th September to 2nd October 2012 and is hosted by Abu
Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) and supported by official carrier
Etihad Airways and Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority.
Twenty Three of the World's Top 25 carriers by ASK (Available
Seat Kilometre) are already registered to attend World Routes with
strong presence from all geographical regions. The four major US
legacy carriers will attend; Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, US
Airways and American Airlines. From Asia, China Southern, China
Eastern, Hainan Airlines and Air China are amongst those attending
with Japanese majors, oneworld member Japan Airlines and Star
Alliance carrier All Nippon Airways bringing large delegations to Abu
One of latest registrations is Qantas Airways, who will deliver a
briefing focused around its new business units and how this will
relate to its route development strategy.
From Europe, the legacy market is strong with British Airways,
Iberia, KLM, Air France, SAS, LOT Polish, Alitalia amongst those
registered. The low cost carrier market from Europe is particularly
well represented by easyJet, Norwegian, Wizz Air, Germanwings and Air
Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, South African Airways, Egypt
Air and Royal Air Maroc are amongst the major African airlines
looking to look at new opportunities and expand into new markets.
Airline Relations Director, Paul Winfield Commented: "This week
alone we have seen registrations from the likes of Air New Zealand,
Air India, Wizz Air and Copa Airlines highlighting the diverse mix of
airlines attending World Routes and confirming that this is a must
attend event for airlines on a global basis from all sectors of the
airline market."
Airports wishing to do business with the Middle East airline
market will never have a better opportunity to do so with Etihad
Airways, Emirates, Qatar Airways and Turkish Airlines sending very
senior and large delegations with attendance from many other Middle
East based airlines including Gulf Air, Air Arabia and Oman Air.
Cargo and Interline are also an important part of Routes and this
year the cargo sector is led by the likes of UPS and FedEx whilst
this year will see the first time that Routes has offered a platform
for dedicated interline meetings. This session will allow alliance
and interline managers to meet with other carriers to discuss
interline agreements,
marketing arrangements, SPAs and scheduled connections. Amongst
others, Etihad and JetBlue, two major interline operators, are
sending dedicated interline specialists to the event.
Notes to Editors
About Routes
- Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events
through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is one
global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS
- Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK?based ASM Ltd., a
consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.
http://www.asm? [ ]
- Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August 2010.
From 1st August 2012 Routes, ASM and the Airport Cities Conference and Exhibition
become part of the UBM Live division of UBM plc.
- UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across five
continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote
their brands and expand their markets. Through premiere brands such as MD&M, CPhI,
IFSEC, TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, the Routes portfolio of
events, Airport Cities and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards
programs, publications, websites and training and certification programs are an
integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry
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ots Originaltext: UBM Aviation Routes Ltd
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For further press information please contact: Victoria Jones, PR
Executive, UBM Aviation Routes Limited, T: +44(0)161-234-2730, E:
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