
Real World Perspectives Driving Real World Change

Geschrieben am 22-08-2012

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

ATC Global Unveils 2013 Conference Agenda

ATC Global revealed today an agenda for its 2013 three day
conference, taking place on 12-14 March in Amsterdam, that will spark
honest debate about the current progress with global ATM
interoperability. A panel assembled to represent stakeholders from
every global region will answer the difficult questions, discuss the
current strategies in place and steer debate towards a more robust
framework for accountability that will instil confidence in those
funding this leap forward in technology and service.

Paula Milburn, ATC Global Director, said: "ATC Global 2013 will
be a unique opportunity for the full breadth of the ATM community to
discuss the true implications of ICAO's November 2012 Air Navigation
Conference within a well-established, independent and inclusive
forum. This agenda has been designed in close consultation with
industry experts to reflect the growing concerns of regulators,
ANSP's, suppliers, airports and aircraft operators".

The first day will address the progress being made with the ANC
2012 Block Upgrades. Special focus will be given to Latin America and
other growth regions to highlight the effects that NextGen, the
implementation of the Single European Sky and ASBUs will have on
regional operations and global harmonisation.

The second day will evaluate the reality of progress made by
ANSPs so far. Through an interactive visual 'Scorecard' the panel
will review and measure their effectiveness in delivering real world
progress, as well as discuss the subject of accountability. This
conference will shine a cold light on how the governance and
structure of individual ANSPs might be affecting the way they
implement regulatory requirements.

The final day will bring the discussion back to the timetable of
implementation and give conference participants the opportunity to
evaluate the uptake of new technology; examining the differing
requirements between all global regions and the varying obstacles to
implementation. This is an opportunity to set out a realistic
timetable for the delivery of credible benefits to the air transport

Due to enthusiastic feedback from attendees of the 2012 event,
the ATC Global 2013 conference has developed from two days into three
days. This directly addresses the wishes of our ATM stakeholders to
have greater participation in panel sessions, to be able to see a
larger variety of presenters and to have the time to draw effective

The conference agenda can now be viewed in full on the website at
http://www.atcglobalhub.com/conferenceagenda. A published list of
speakers will follow shortly.

Follow us online at:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/atcglobalevent?re

Twitter: https://twitter.com/atcglobal


Notes to Editors:

About ATC Global:

ATC Global has been uniting the entire ATM industry annually
since 1990. It provides an independent and impartial marketplace for
ATM businesses from every region, small and large and regardless of
affiliation. It brings together the broadest range regulatory bodies,
ANSPs, industry organisations and suppliers to establish and maintain
meaningful partnerships.

The ATC Global conference agenda is set by an Advisory Board made
up of senior decision-makers from throughout the industry,
determining the right discussions for the whole of the industry. The
conference and workshops examine a wide range of topics, with
speakers drawn from all sections of the ATM community.

ATC Global currently holds its annual event at the Amsterdam RAI.
It is a subsidiary of the global B2B communications and marketing
provider UBM.

For further information go to http://www.atcglobalhub.com

About UBM Live:

UBM Live, now a finalist for the 2012 Haymarket Event Awards,
operates a number of market leading exhibitions, awards,
websites/online products and publications in twenty different
business sectors with offices in the UK, Netherlands, USA, UAE and
Brazil. Our brands include CPhI, IFSEC, and Food Ingredients. Cruise
Shipping Miami, Technology for Marketing and Advertising,
International Confex, Informex and many more. UBM Live is part of UBM

For further information go to http://www.ubmlive.com

ots Originaltext: ATC Global
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information (not for publication) contact: ATC
Global, Patsy Bateman, Senior PR Manager , Tel: +44(0)20-7921-8458,
: patsy.bateman@ubm.com; LEIDAR, Charlie Pryor, Director, Tel :
+44(0)20-7031-8270, Email : charlie.pryor@leidar.com, Skype:


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