Entrade shares close above their issue price after delisting on Frankfurt's securities exchange / Over-the-counter trading at the price of 2.50 euros per share - business development continues positiv
Geschrieben am 22-08-2012 |
Dahlem-Schmidtheim/Düsseldorf (ots) - After its successful
delisting on the securities exchange in Frankfurt the shares of
ENTRADE Capital PLC closed at 2.58 euros on the last day of trading,
well above their issue price last year. At the initial public
offering in 2011 the shares were listed at a price of 2.40, meaning
that investors who held on to their shares enjoyed a positive return.
The company itself voluntarily applied for the delisting when it
was informed by the securities exchange in June that admission to the
entry standard would not be possible at the moment. At the same time
ENTRADE Capital PLC was given the opportunity to submit a new
application as soon as the company is in a position to comply with
the new registration conditions for the entry standard which have
applied from 1 July 2012. The company is continuing to pursue this
Regardless of this decision, with effect from 1 July 2012 the
admission criteria for the entry standard on the Frankfurt securities
exchange have been made stricter, which means that companies which
are still listed on the Open Market, First Quotation Board, are
threatened with automatic delisting on 15 December 2012 because the
Open Market is to be closed.
Business operations continue unchanged - focus on biogas plant in
The business operations of ENTRADE Capital PLC and its
subsidiaries have at no time been influenced by these developments
and are continuing unchanged. In particular the financing and
establishment of up to five biogas plants in Serbia together with the
international energy crowd funding platform www.green-growth.com
continue to be the focus of the company's activities. The overall
positive business growth was also the main reason for the rise in the
company's share price.
In over-the-counter trading investors who wish to invest in the
ENTRADE group of companies can continue to purchase the shares at the
price of 2.50 euros.
For more information please see www.entrade.de.
Entrade Capital PLC
Uwe Kloos
Head of Customer Consulting
Huschbergerstraße 12
D-40212 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 (0)2447/218 100-3
E-mail: info@entrade.de
Entrade Capital PLC
Sybille Schultebraucks
Chief Financial Officer
Schloss Schmidtheim
Hubertusstraße 6
D-53949 Dahlem-Schmidtheim
Tel.:+49 (0)2447/218-100-0
E-mail: info@entrade.de
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