EANS-News: AI Airports International Limited / Board of Directors announces
fifth capital repayment of EUR 0.10 per certificate
Geschrieben am 24-08-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Strategic management decisions
St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands (euro adhoc) - Jersey/Vienna
August 24, 2012 - On the basis of the authorization granted at the
Annual General Meeting held on July 12, 2012, the Board of Directors
of AI Airports International Limited (AI) decided on August 23, 2012
to make a capital repayment in cash to shareholders of EUR 0.10 for
each eligible certificate. Thereby the total amount of all capital
repayments distributed to the AI certificate holders hitherto
increases to EUR 5.27 per certificate.
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft ("OeKB"), which
holds 69,996,057 shares in the company on the account of certificate
holders, will transfer the portion of the capital repayment received
to the certificate holders by crediting the respective amounts to the
account holding banks. This transfer will take place from September
1, 2012, based on the deposit account balances booked on August 31,
2012. OeKB will not make any payments for treasury certificates held
by the company.
Trading ex-capital repayment will take place starting on September
01, 2012.
This fifth capital repayment follows the initial capital repayment
amounting to EUR 2.25 per certificate at the beginning of June 2009,
the second capital repayment amounting to EUR 0.70 per certificate at
the end of October 2009, the third capital repayment amounting to EUR
1.10 per certificate at the end of August 2010, and the fourth
capital repayment amounting to EUR 1.12 per certificate during
November 2010.
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations and Public Relations
Metrum Communications
Mick Stempel
T: +43 1 504 69 87-385
M: m.stempel@metrum.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: AI Airports International Limited
7 Bond Street
A-JE2 3NP St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
mail: vavercakova@airportsinternational.eu
WWW: www.airportsinternational.com
sector: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000A053N4
indexes: other listings
stockmarkets: Third Market: Wien
language: English
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