EANS-Adhoc: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / C-QUADRAT signs Purchase agreement for the
acquisition of the British asset management company BCM
Geschrieben am 05-09-2012 |
update to an ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content
of this announcement.
Vienna / Frankfurt, 05.09.2012. In an Ad-hoc Announcement issued on
2.07.2012 via euro adhoc C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005)
gave notice of the possible acquisition of BCM Group, a UK Fund
Management Company, the strategic considerations and basic points of
the planned transaction (purchase price, intended use of its treasury
shares, purchase price adjustment mechanism).
Today the share purchase agreement regarding the contemplated
transaction has been entered with Laakman Holding Ltd. The purchase
price amounts to approximately EUR 13,400,000 and is subject to an
amendment in 3 ¼ years that may result in an increase or decrease in
the purchase price of up to 30 % depending on the operating results.
According to the share purchase agreement inter alia C-QUADRAT's
treasury shares will be used as acquisition currency. The share of
used treasury shares amounts to 3 % of C-QUADRAT's share capital and
therefore equals approximately 30% of the agreed purchase price. In
the event of breach of contractual warranties and / or
indemnifications caused by the sellers, the sellers may under certain
circumstances be entitled to fulfill their obligations through a
(re-)transfer of the shares in C-QUADRAT to C-QUADRAT, also exceeding
the number of treasury shares initially received from C-QUADRAT, or
the transfer of the proceeds from the sale of such shares.
Among others the acquisition is subject to the approval by the UK
Financial Services Authority (FSA), London.
Furthermore, the consummation of the transaction is conditional upon
the supervisory board approval of the utilization of the treasury
shares under exclusion of the subscription right. The respective
report of the management board regarding the intended sale of
treasury shares including the exclusion of the subscription right
pursuant to § 171 (1) Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz)
will be published on C-QUADRAT's website within the next days. The
required approval of the supervisory board may be given two weeks
after the report's publication at the earliest.
The parties aim at completing the transaction during Q4 2012.
original announcement: ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- keywords Mergers - Acquisitions -
EANS-Adhoc: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / C-QUADRAT intends to acquire UK
Fund Management Company
Vienna / Frankfurt, 02.07.2012. C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN
AT0000613005) announces that a term sheet was signed on the possible
acquisition of 100% of the shares in BCM (Luxembourg) SA and thus on
the direct or indirect acquisition of 100% of the shares in the UK
Fund Management Company BCM & Partners LLP ("BCM-Group").
BCM-Group is a London domiciled independent Asset Manager with focus
on Credit Funds (Convertible Funds, High Yield Funds), Multi Asset
Class Funds und Fund of Funds. Currently BCM-Group manages assets of
approximately EUR 800 million.
The purchase price, which is subject to negotiations, would be an
amount corresponding to approximately 10% of the market
capitalization of C-QUADRAT. It is further intended to agree on a
price-adjustment-clause, which could become effective after 3 ¾ years
and could lead to an increase or a reduction of up to 30%. C-QUADRAT
plans to finance the intended takeover with equity, partially with
treasury shares, as well as with debt.
With this intended acquisition C-QUADRAT aims at the continuation of
its strategy of continuous growth in Asset Management as its core
business and the increase of diversification of its current product
Subject to completion of due diligence to the satisfaction of
C-QUADRAT and successful negotiation of the transaction
documentation, the parties aim at a signing of the transaction still
in July 2012.
The possible transaction requires board approvals by the contracting
parties and post-signing the fulfillment of conditions precedent
including approvals by the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA),
London. In today's extraordinary board meeting C-QUADRAT's
supervisory board has basically agreed on the possible acquisition.
According to § 171 (1) Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz)
C-QUADRAT's management board has to publish a report regarding the
intended sale of treasury shares including the exclusion of the
subscription right two weeks prior to the necessary approval through
resolution of the supervisory board.
Subject to signing still in July, the parties aim at completing the
transaction during Q3 2012.
Further inquiry note:
StB Mag. Roland Starha
Member of the Board
C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 317
Mail: ir@c-quadrat.com
end of original announcement euro adhoc --------------
sector publicity of original announcement:
2012-07-02 17:33:32 - Bloomberg- sent
2012-07-02 17:33:32 - Bloomberg- sent
Further inquiry note:
StB Mag. Roland Starha
Member of the Board
C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 317
Mail: ir@c-quadrat.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Wien
phone: +43 1 515 66-0
FAX: +43 1 515 66-159
mail: c-quadrat@investmentfonds.at
WWW: www.c-quadrat.at
sector: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000613005
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Frankfurt, Wien
language: English
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Valutadatum: 06.09.2012
Emissionsvolumen: EUR 100.000.000
Endfälligkeit: 12.03.2013
Frau Elke Schuster-Feyl
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 127- 70472
E-Mail: Elke.Schuster-Feyl@LBBW.de mehr...
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