EANS-Adhoc: Berner Oberland Bahnen AG / Berner Oberland-Bahnen AG with increased
traffic business revenue
Geschrieben am 12-09-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
The Berner Oberland-Bahnen AG achieved a traffic income of 5 million
francs in the first half of 2012. This is an increase of 1.6 per cent
compared to the previous year.
The development in passenger numbers was very pleasing for the
Bernese Oberland Railway (BOB), which operates between Interlaken Ost
and Grindelwald and Interlaken Ost and Lauterbrunnen. The BOB
registered 4 per cent person kilometres more than in the previous
year. It recorded a traffic income of 4.4 million francs, thus
achieving an increase of 5.6 per cent. This was mainly attributable
to the growth in tourist traffic.
The Schynige Platte Railway, which accesses the excursion destination
of Schynige Platte, recorded a mediocre start to the season. Traffic
income in the first half of the year was 0.6 million francs, a
reduction of 20.7 per cent on last year. The strong rate of the franc
against the euro resulted in a drop in the number of guests from
neighbouring countries visiting Schynige Platte. The long periods of
poor weather also had a negative effect on visitor numbers.
The first six months of 2012 have resulted in a 1.6 million franc
loss for the Berner Oberland-Bahnen AG, an increase in loss of 0.8
million francs in comparison to the previous year. The worse result
can be explained by the fact that in 2011 the company recorded a
one-off income of 1.5 million francs from the sale of property. In
the transport business, the Bernese Oberland Railway performed better
than last year.
The Bernese Oberland Railway also recorded high numbers of guests in
July and the first half of August 2012. From 1 July to 15 August
2012, the BOB recorded 132,109 person kilometres more than in the
previous year. In contrast, the Schynige Platte Railway recorded a
reduction in passenger numbers of 8.7 per cent for the same period.
The profit and loss account and balance are published under
Further inquiry note:
Urs Kessler, CEO, Chairman of the Management Board
+41 79 407 90 52
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Berner Oberland Bahnen AG
Harderstrasse 14
CH-3800 Interlaken
phone: +41 (0)33 828 71 11
FAX: +41 (0)33 828 72 64
WWW: www.jungfraubahn.ch
sector: Railway
ISIN: CH0003455034
indexes: BIRW
stockmarkets: stock market: BX Berne eXchange
language: English
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