EANS-News: Hoeft & Wessel exhibits novelties at the InnoTrans 2012: (with photo)
Geschrieben am 13-09-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
New Products
Subtitle: - New stationary ticket terminal ensures faster and more
secure handling of coins - GUIDEsign facilitates personalized design
of graphical user interface - Small, ergonomic control device
facilitates checking of e-Tickets - New on-board computer supports
contactless credit cards treated as e-Tickets
Hannover/Germany, 13/09/2012 (euro adhoc) - Hoeft & Wessel AG
exhibits a number of novelties at the InnoTrans 2012. This includes a
newly developed stationary ticket vending machine featuring a new,
leading-edge design. The terminal has a new coin handling unit that
handles coins substantially faster and with a high degree of
availability. As a result, disruptions are a thing of the past. In
addition, the newly developed system can adapt intelligently to
different fares and also has a substantially enlarged coin storage
capacity. Two new four-lane printers can be integrated into the new
terminal, making it possible to process up to eight paper rolls.
The new coin handling unit and new printer will lengthen the service
intervals considerably, lowering the current operating costs for
public transport companies. Another important aspect of the further
development of the successful almex.station product series was a
further improvement in protection against vandalism. New
stainless-steel operating bays are extremely resistant to vandalism
and give the terminals an attractive appearance as well. A newly
developed film adhesion system facilitates personalised design and
simple replacement of the film if damaged due to vandalism.
In Europe, Hoeft & Wessel AG delivered stationary ticket vending
systems to the Danish State Railway and to Deutsche Bahn (German
Rail) and received a contract award from the Belgian State Railway
SNCB at the beginning of this year.
Using the new software GUIDEsign, customers of Hoeft & Wessel will be
able to design their own graphical user interfaces easily and
speedily in future. What is special about this is that the GUI can
even be personalized for each passenger. As a result, passengers with
poor eyesight can be given a user interface that is ideally suited to
their particular needs. A particularly handy and fast control device
for e-Tickets makes it easier for public transport companies to check
all types of e-Tickets with an RFID chip or barcode. A new, fast
on-board computer with a ticket printer of the almex.optima series
now enables a new, simple e-Ticketing system to be used, providing
for contactless credit cards to be used in substitution for regular
fare tickets. The First Group, the biggest bus operator in the United
Kingdom, is currently being equipped with the new on-board computers.
Hoeft & Wessel is one of Europe's leading providers of
state-of-the-art ticketing systems.
>> Hoeft & Wessel at InnoTrans 2012: hall 2.1, booth 233
>> Press folder with photo of the new TVM:
>> The Company The Hoeft & Wessel Group is the leading IT and
engineering technology Group for ticketing, parking and mobile
solutions in Germany and Great Britain. Established in 1978 by the
two entrepreneurs who gave the company its name, the enterprise has
developed into a group of companies with sales revenues of approx.
EUR 80 million and a workforce of more than 400 employees. Its main
locations are Hannover, Germany, and Swindon, UK, to the west of
London. www.hoeft-wessel.com
Pictures with Announcement:
Further inquiry note:
Arnd Fritzemeier
Tel.: +49-511-6102-300
E-Mail: PR@hoeft-wessel.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
Pictures with Announcement:
company: Höft & Wessel AG
Rotenburger Str. 20
D-30659 Hannover
phone: +49-511-6102-0
FAX: +49-511-6102-411
mail: ir@hoeft-wessel.com
WWW: http://www.hoeft-wessel.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: DE0006011000
indexes: Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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