
International Study Reveals Disconnect Between Patients and Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) over Symptom Burden in Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

Geschrieben am 22-10-2012

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -

The results of an international survey to assess patients' and
healthcare professionals' (HCPs') differing perceptions of ulcerative
colitis have been presented at a Shire organised press briefing
during the 20th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) meeting
in Amsterdam today. The 'Mind the Gap' survey, which was sponsored by
Shire, is the first international study in ulcerative colitis (UC) to
compare the views and beliefs of patients, physicians and specialist
nurses. It identifies key differences between patients' and HCPs'
perceptions of the impact of UC symptoms on patients' lives.[1]

Commenting on the findings, Professor Stefan Schreiber,
Department for General Internal Medicine and Institute for Clinical
Molecular Biology, Christian Albrechts University, Germany and lead
author said "One of the main conclusions of the survey is that HCPs
may underestimate the effect of specific UC symptoms on patients and
may not recognise issues that are important to patients. For example,
patients' classification of their own symptom severity revealed
greater severity particularly when compared with physician estimates
and more than half of patients stated that UC symptoms over the past
year had affected their quality of life, while physicians estimated
that just over one third of patients would have a reduced quality of
life over the same period."

In addition, the survey, which involved 775 patients with UC and
525 HCPs involved with the treatment of patients with the disease
from five European countries (France, Germany, Ireland, Spain and the
UK) and Canada, show:

- On average, patients reported almost six flare ups in the previous year
while physicians and nurses reported almost four[1]
- Pain was key for patients, ranking as one of the top two most bothersome
symptoms (with urgency), while physicians and nurses ranked urgency and stool
frequency highest[1]
- Seventy-two per cent of patients regarded HCPs as their main source of UC
information. However, 59% reported not arranging regular visits to see their HCPs[1]

The results suggest that improved communication between patients
and their physician or specialist nurse and better patient education
could help to address these issues.[1] "In this way, the patient
would be more able to recognise the symptoms of active disease and
participate in the selection of diagnostic and therapeutic options,
which would contribute to more personalised management", commented
Professor Julian Panes, Gastroenterology Department, Hospital Clinic
Barcelona, Spain, who led the survey alongside Professor Schreiber.
"The findings therefore add to a growing body of evidence, which
indicates that improved communication between patients and HCPs is
fundamental to the successful management of ulcerative colitis."

Notes to editors

About Mind the Gap

The survey included 775 patients with UC and 525 HCPs involved
with the treatment of patients with the UC from five European
countries and Canada. (Please note that 50 of the HCPs involved in
the research were specialist nurses specialising in inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD). However, these were only UK based.) The survey
was conducted online between 10 June and 20 August 2010 in Canada,
Germany, Ireland, Spain and the UK and between 20 January and 24
February 2011 in France and the results were originally published in
BMC Gastroenterology in August 2012. The survey was sponsored by
Shire PLC.

For further information on Mind the Gap, please visit:

About ulcerative colitis

UC is a chronic condition and a type of inflammatory bowel
disease. It is estimated to affect 120 to 200 per 100,000 people in
the Western world[4] and the highest incidence and prevalence rates
have been reported in Northern Europe, the UK and North America. The
most common symptoms of UC include diarrhoea, abdominal cramps,
rectal bleeding, frequent fever and nausea and the disease typically
runs a relapsing-remitting course. There is currently no cure for the
condition so the aim of treatment is to relieve symptoms during a
flare up and prevent symptoms from returning during remission.

About Shire PLC

Shire enables people with life-altering conditions to lead better

Through our deep understanding of patients' needs, we develop and
provide healthcare in the areas of:

- Gastrointestinal conditions
- Behavioral health
- Rare Diseases
- Regenerative Medicine

as well as other symptomatic conditions treated by specialists.

We aspire to imagine and lead the future of healthcare, creating
value for patients, physicians, policymakers, payors and our

For further information on Shire, please visit the Company's
website: http://www.shire.com.


1) Schreiber S, Panes J, et al. Perception gaps between patients with UC and
healthcare professionals: an online survey. BMC Gastroenterology 2012.
2) Cosnes J, Gower-Rousseau C, et al. Epidemiology and natural history of
inflammatory bowel diseases. Gastroenterology 2011, 140:1785-1794.
3) Loftus EV, Jr. Clinical epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease:
Incidence, prevalence, and environmental influences. Gastroenterology. 2004;126(6
4) American Gastroenterological Association Web site. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
page. Available at
. Accessed 10 October, 2012.

For further information please contact:
Katie Banks
(Virgo HEALTH)
Ed Purkis
(Virgo HEALTH)
Ingrid Jansen
(Shire Corporate Communications)
Gwen Fisher
(Shire Corporate Communications)

ots Originaltext: Shire Pharmaceuticals Group Plc
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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