
Exclusive MISSONI Designed Bear and Elephant to Benefit OrphanAid Africa

Geschrieben am 24-10-2012

Toronto (ots/PRNewswire) -

Sold exclusively at Holt Renfrew

Legendary Design. Worldwide Exclusive. Limited Edition. $50.
Charitable Giving.

Holt Renfrew and Missoni have partnered to create a
limited-edition, worldwide-exclusive plush bear and elephant that
will support OrphanAid Africa. To celebrate the launch, Margherita
Missoni, Chief Accessories Designer of MISSONI, will make a public
appearance at Holt Renfrew Bloor Street in Toronto on November 8 at
5:00 p.m.

The bear and elephant, in the iconic MISSONI zig zag print,
retail for $50 each and will be available at all Holt Renfrew stores
across Canada. They have been designed by MISSONI exclusively for
Holt Renfrew in support of OrphanAid Africa, a non-profit
organization with the goal to ensure that orphans and vulnerable
children in Ghana grow up in safe and permanent family settings with
appropriate care and protection.

Purchases of the bear and elephant will help Holt Renfrew reach
its goal of raising $100,000 for children and families through
OrphanAid Africa.

"I began volunteering with OrphanAid Africa nine years ago, in
its early days," said Margherita Missoni, President of OrphanAid's
Italian division. "To see the changes and impact we have made to
better the lives of children is incredible and rewarding. We are very
pleased to have joined forces with Holt Renfrew. The funds raised
will further strengthen our cause."

"What Margherita is doing philanthropically is incredibly
respectable," says Alexandra Weston, Holt Renfrew's Director, Brand
Strategy. "We are thrilled to bring to you this unique MISSONI
designed elephant and bear just in time for the holidays. At Holt
Renfrew we love to offer the exceptional and this gift that gives
back is exactly that. It is certainly on my holiday shopping list".

The bear and elephant will be available for purchase through
holtrenfrew.com [http://www.holtrenfrew.com ] and in Holt Renfrew
stores across Canada beginning November 1.

About Holt Renfrew

Celebrating a 175-year heritage, Holt Renfrew is recognized
worldwide for an inspired shopping experience. Once a purveyor of
fashion to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Holt Renfrew began in 1837 as
a modest hat shop in Quebec City. Over the years the brand developed
and expanded across Canada. In the 1930's Holt Renfrew began
exclusive accounts with some of the best designers in Europe and in
1947 hosted Monsieur Christian Dior when he launched his "New Look".
After many years of foreign ownership Holt Renfrew was bought in 1986
by W. Galen and the Hon. Hilary M. Weston. Under their ownership Holt
Renfrew has become Canada's destination for luxury retail. Holt
Renfrew has 2,300 employees with nine stores across the country in
Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa and
Toronto (Bloor Street, Sherway Gardens and Yorkdale). Visit us at
holtrenfrew.com [http://www.holtrenfrew.com ].

Holt Renfrew is part of Selfridges Group Limited. With extensive
know-how and experience in operating luxury fashion retail stores,
the Selfridges Group owns and operates leading heritage banners in
key markets around the world, including Brown Thomas in Ireland; de
Bijenkorf in The Netherlands; Holt Renfrew in Canada and Selfridges
in the United Kingdom. Selfridges Group Limited is a family owned
business, W. Galen Weston is Chairman.

About Missoni

The family-run fashion house Missoni has been at the forefront of
Italian fashion since husband and wife Ottavio ("Tai") and Rosita
Missoni started designing their unconventional patterned knits in the
neighborhood of Varese in 1953. The brand is famous for its unique
knitwear, made from a variety of fabrics in a kaleidoscope of
colorful patterns, such as zigzags, stripes, geometrics, and abstract
florals, bohemian accessories and must-have swimwear. There are
currently 37 freestanding Missoni boutiques worldwide, in addition to
Missoni being carried at leading department stores and retailers

About OrphaAid Africa

OrphanAid Africa (OA) is a non-profit organization developing
programs and projects to help vulnerable children and their families
in Ghana, West Africa. The organization was originally founded as a
local NGO in Ghana in 2002 and progressively grew internationally
with registered branches in the United States where it is a 501 c3
non-profit, as well as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.
The common goal of these branches is to rescue vulnerable children in
need of care and to trace and reunify children with their families.
These children are often separated from their families by poverty,
the HIV/AIDs epidemic and the increase of rural-to-urban migration.
OrphanAid Africa depends on the generous donations of individuals and
businesses, as well as volunteers and partners, to help us carry out
our work.

Image with caption: "Holt Renfrew exclusive Missoni elephant and
bear, $50 each in support of Orphanaid Africa. (CNW Group/Holt
Renfrew)". Image available at: http://40rhel5streamview01.newswire.ca

SOURCE: Holt Renfrew

For further information:

Julie D'Uva
Manager, Public Relations
Tel: +1-416-960-2583

ots Originaltext: Holt Renfrew
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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